Chapter 29

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Dakota's POV:
Ella: Done now what?

Me: We are coming home so just hide and don't get found.

Ella: Okay.

I hang up the phone and me and Tuck run to my car and get in and rush home. But when we get there Ella is being dragged by the big dog and I hurry out of my car.

Me: What the hell do you think your doing to my dog?

Robber: Your dog? Ha she's my dog now. And so is that 1.

I turn to Tuck and motion him to lock the car.

Me: So if you do not give me my dog back then I will fight for her.

Robber: Attack boy!

Their dog them comes running towards me and I pull out my taser from my pocket.

Me: You better call him off or he is fried.

Robber: We are not calling him off until we get your other 2 dogs and their pups.

Me: Well that's not gonna happen unless I get in my house and that dog has the key so unless I get her back then you can't get the rest.

Robber: Fine here.

I then quickly grab Ella out of the robber's hands and pull her away and I feel her fur is wet from tears and spit from the bigger dog.

Me: Thank you. Now follow me.

I then go to my door and shut the security down and open the door and run inside and turn the security back on forgetting about Tuck.

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