Chapter 20

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Dakota's POV:
We finally got to my house and I carried Aleigha and Tuck's puppies in and lied them on my bed and Aleigha and Tuck jumped up and next to them and they started eating off of Aleigha's breasts and I set up her kennel that I bought that was big enough for the parents and their puppies. Then lied the puppies on the bed and Aleigha and Tuck followed and I went and sat on the floor next to Brooke, since I had no furniture yet And we sat and talked until I had to take her home so I left Tuck, Aleigha and their pups home and me and Ella took Chase and Brooke home. When we arrived Brooke kissed my cheek and got out.

Me: Bye.

Brooke: See ya. Love ya.

Me: Love you too.

She then goes toward her front door and I head home myself and get ready for bed. For a busy day of cleaning, unpacking, and solving the puzzle of my house plan.

*Time skip*

Ella's POV:
The next morning Dakota gets up and lets us to to use the bathroom but I end up finding a bottle in the grass.

Me: Huh I'll take it with me so Dakota doesn't hit it with the mower.

I then pick up the bottle with my mouth and go back to the house and when I go in I give it to Dakota.

Me: Here I found it out in the grass.

Dakota: Oh. Neat.

He then exams the bottle and opens it and a man comes out of it.

Me: Who are you?

Genie: I am Genie. And you miss are in luck because I am going to grant you 3 wishes of anything except money.

Me: Well uh.

*Ding Dong*

Dakota: I'll get it.

Me: Okay. Hmmm.

Chase: Ella!?!?

Me: Hey Chase.

Chase: Who is this guy?

Me: This is Genie and he can grant me 3 wishes. And my first wish is to bring my love Zuma back so I can be in his paws again.

Chase: Wait what?!?!

Genie: Well you must know that it will only last for 15 minutes right?

Me: Im fine with that because I wasn't able to say goodbye to him when he passed.

Chase: What about our love Ella?

Me: Well I want you to meet him in person then in.. ghost?

Chase: Okay.

Genie then grants my wish and I see Zuma again and I run up to him and jump on him with a hug.

Me: I missed you so much.

Zuma: Me to.

Then Dakota walks in and drops his paper with his plans.

Dakota: Zuma?

Zuma: Dakota!

They then hug and Chase walks up to Zuma.

Zuma: You must be Chase, Ella's boyfriend.

Chase: Ya.

Zuma: Please take care of her and i will always be watching from above.

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