Chapter 27

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Dakota's POV:
Brooke: I'm sorry if you didn't want them to mate, Dakota.

Me: No it's fine. But if they don't say anything then she is in trouble but Chase is your dog so you decide what you want done to him.

We then go back out with the pups and Ella comes up to me with her ears and nose to the ground.

Me: What's wrong Ella?

I pick her up and sit her between me and Brooke.

Ella: Well I disobeyed you Dakota.

I raise my eyebrow.

Ella: Me and Chase mated and now I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry.

Me: I know that you and Chase mated but if you would have asked me before I left I wouldn't be as mad. But it's okay Ella.

Ella: Wait how did you know?

Me: Cameras.

Ella: What!?!?

Me: Hehe.

Chase: So uh how did the proposal go Dakota?

Me: Well. Thanks Chase.

Brooke: He knew?

Me: Well ya. How else would I have figured out the best idea for a proposal?

After a few hours of talking Brooke and Chase went home. Then I hear Ella and Tuck trying to sneak away, and I turn around.

Me: You 2 get back here.

Ella and Tuck: *Gulp*

Me: You 2 know what tonight is.

Ella: Bath night.

Me: Yep but tonight Rocky is gonna go first he smells.

Rocky: Whats going on?

Me: Come here.

He follows me to my bathroom and I put him in the tub.

Rocky: Wait! Are we doing something with water?!?!

Me: Yes just a little bath.

Rocky: No please I'm gonna drown!!!!!!!

Me: No your not! Rocky just stay calm and trust me.

Rocky: Okay. Fine.

I then start bathing Rocky and he he stays calm the whole time. And when I finish with him I do the rest of the pups.

Me: See that wasn't so bad.

Ella: For you.

Me: You will get used to it.

Ella: Never.

Me: We'll see.

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