Chapter 19

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Dakota's POV:
We then left the Dog Park and started heading home but when Aleigha got in my car she started howling in pain and blood start coming out of her crotch.

Aleigha: Ahhh! My! Puppies! Are! Coming! Ahhh!

Me: Brooke get us to a vets office use my GPS if needed. Ella, Chase you two are sitting up front and I will be helping you as much as I can Aleigha.

Tuck: What do you want me to do?

Me: Comfort her.

Brooke then drives to the closest Vets Office and I carry Aleigha in while the others stay in the car and 2 hours later I walk out to my car and grab my kennel from the hatch.

Tuck: How is she?

Me: Well you will just have to wait and see. Come on guys.

We all then walk in the office and head to Aleigha's room and we see Aleigha and 6 beautiful puppies on the table.

Aleigha: Hey Tuck. Look 6 puppies.

Tuck: They are beautiful like you.

Tuck then jumps on the table and a nurse comes in.

Nurse: So Aleigha will be fine but she can not run, jump, or get belly scratches for the next 2-3 weeks because of where we stitched and where she had her puppies but she can go home.

Me: Thank you.

Nurse: Your welcome.

The nurse then leaves and then I realize that I only brought my small cage.

Me: Shot I grabbed the wrong cage. So Aleigha will have to sit behind the backseat with me or Brooke.

Brooke: I can drive again if you want to stay with the puppies.

Me: Thanks.

We then head out to my car and see it has been painted, scratched, and hit.

Me: My car!

Badway: Now you gonna hand me the girl or not?

Brooke: No!

Badway: Fine I will have to just take her!

He then runs toward us but then Chase tackles him and I put Aleigha and the puppies in my car and Brooke calls Chase to heel.

Badway: That fucking mutt attacked me! So I am calling the dog capture.

Me: Why so he can call the police for an attempt dogknap because I have cameras clear around my car and it caught you on camera and so I'm going to call the cops for vandalizing my vehicle.

Badway: Well uh gotta run.

He then takes off running but Tuck chases him and pins him down until the cops arrive and they arrest him.

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