Chapter 37

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Brooke POV:
Me: Thanks Chase now let's get out of here.

*Drives off*

Chase: Um Brooke he's still following.

Me: We'll loose him Chase we have a full tank and hopefully he doesn't.

I then drive us for about an hour and we finally lose him then I pull over on the side of the road.

Me: Dakota? Dakota? Love?

Then I hear a groan.

Dakota: Brooke? Where are we?

Me: On the side of the road getting ready to go home.

Dakota: Okay. That dart takes a lot of energy. *Faints*

Me: Just sleep, Love.

I start driving again then I see we are almost out of gas.

Me: Uh oh.

Ella: What is it Brooke?

Me: We are almost out of gas.

Aleigha's POV:
Me: *Whines*

Tuck: What's wrong dear?

Me: Well our pups can't live like this. They can get really sick from all this excitement.

Tuck: I know im really worried.

Ella: What are you two love birds talk aghhhh!!!!

Chase: Ella what's wrong?

Ella: Our puppies are coming!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!

Chase: Really? I'm going to be a father!!!!!

Ella: Chase not helping!!!!

Brooke then pulls over again and lays a blanket down on the seat and Ella slowly lays down on it.

Ella's POV:
These puppies are really kicking and hard. Harder then Chase, when we conceived these puppies.

Brooke: Ready Ella?

Chase then grabs my paw.

Me: Yes.

I then start pushing and the first puppy comes out and I kick it clean, and when I finish the next one is out an I clean it and so on and when I was done I had male and 2 females.

Me: The male German Shepherd Im gonna name it Chasey, the youngest female Ellie, and the middle puppy will be Eleanor.

Chase: Great names.

Me: Thanks name can we go home?

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