Chapter 34

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Dedication to Hoodini290, thanks for giving me some prayers and love when I have this COVID

Dakota's POV:
So the wedding has started and Brooke is now walking down the isle and she looks so beautiful. I couldn't have picked a prettier girl but I see some suspicious people in the back row looking at her in a funny way but I ignore it and we continue.

Me: Brooke you are the most B - Beautiful/R - Right one for me/O - Open-hearted/O - Orgasmic/K - Kindest/E - Ever lasting girl I have ever met so we are gathered here today to celebrate mine and yours wedding to show that all these people love us and I'm here because I love you.

Brooke: Thanks. But um Dakota you are D - Delightful/A - Amazing/K - Kind hearted/O - Obedient/T - Trusting/A - Awesome man. And I'm so glad to be here today to marry you and no one else.

Preacher: Brooke. Do you take Dakota to be your truffully wedded and loving husband?

Brooke: I do.

Preacher: And Dakota do you?

Me: I do.

Preacher: You may kiss the bride.

Everyone cheers while me and Brooke kiss. Then we finish the day out strong until everyone left except me, Brooke and the pups.

Ella: That was such an epic event. I love weddings!

Me: Me too but I hate when I have to clean up other people's weddings.

Brooke: Ya I do to. But at least now we can sleep together.

Me: I can not wait for that.

Brooke: Me neither.

We then kiss.

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