Chapter 21

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Ella's POV:
Chase: I will Zuma.

Genie: Times almost up.

Zuma: Ella I love you so much.

I then hug Zuma and start to cry.

Me: I love you too.

He then fades away back into his ghost.

Genie: Whats your next wish?

Me: Can I think about it for a while?

Genie: Yes but if you need me then just rub my bottle.

The Genie then goes back into his bottle, and we go to find the others and we find them getting ready to leave.

Me: Where are we going?

Dakota: Well unless we want to run back and forth to the store to here then we are going to get a U-Haul truck and use it to put the furniture and stuff in to bring it here. And I will be driving the truck and Brooke will be driving my car and you guys will ride with her, and Aleigha will stay here because they are not old enough to go everywhere just yet.

Chase: Can I ride with you alone? I need to talk to you.

Dakota: Uhh sure.

We then go to the U-Haul Garage and Dakota pays for the truck for the day and Chase gets in with Dakota and me, Tuck and Brooke get in his car.

Dakota's POV:
So we are driving to Home Depot first to look and see what they have and me and Chase were talking about girls.

Me: So what did you need to talk about?

Chase: Well it's about Ella. She hasn't been herself. She's been.... Like.... You know... Meaner?... I guess is the word.

Me: Mean? Uh ya I have noticed that ever since she came in from using the bathroom last night and she would not step on her front paw at all but I have had other dogs do that so I'm sure it's normal.

Chase: Okay. So uh do you want to know anything about Brooke?

Me: Uh ya. Where does she really like to go a lot?

Chase: Well she really likes going to fields on top of hills and watch the sunset.

Me: So do you think that would be the best place to. You know?

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