Chapter 17

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Dakota's POV:
Zuma: I'm so glad that Rufus is not a threat to you guys any more.

Me: Ya. Me too and any other of the neighbors dogs too.

I then look at my clock and see it's 5:00.

Me: Oh they need to go potty.

I then let the pups out and they use the bathroom and come back in to find dinner waiting for them.

Ella: Yum I love Friday!

Me: Why because of the baths?

Ella: Make that Saturdays.

Me: Haha. On the bright side it makes all of your guys fur so soft.

Ella: Ya I guess it does.

Tuck: So what time do we have to pick up Brooke and Chase?

Me: Noon. We will have about a 1 hour drive to our picnic location.

Aleigha: Where are we going

Me: Well don't tell Brooke because she thinks it out in the country but its at the Morgantown Dog Park we are going to have a picnic an you guys will play while me and Brooke talk but you guys have to stay in our sight because if you go somewhere that I can't see you then you will be grounded. But I trust that you will not go out of sight.

Ella: Okay Dakota.

We then finish eating and then go to bed to get up early to get ready for our date.

*Time Skip*

Ella's POV:
The next morning we get up and Dakota bathes us starting with me and ending with Tuck and Aleigha because they like to bathe together since Aleigha is pregnant. But after Dakota finishes with us he gets a shower and then gets the picnic basket ready for the picnic. Then we sit down and relax until 11:00 and then we get in the car and pick up Brooke and Chase and in the car in goes Tuck behind Dakota, then Aleigha, then me, and last Chase behind Brooke and Aleigha and Tuck fall asleep together leaving me, Chase, Brooke and Dakota.

Me: So um.. Chase I need to uh tell you something.

Chase: Okay.

Chase's POV:
God she is so cute I really wish I could admit to her but I don't think she likes me back.

Ella: I kinda love you.

Me: Uh Ella I uh.

Ella: No I get it you are seeing someone else!

Me: What? No that's not it it's just that I love you too.

Ella: Really?

Me: Ya you are just to sexy to not attract a guy like me.

Ella: I am?

Me: Yes.

Ella then yawns and I laugh.

Me: Good way to break the silence.

Ella: Haha. I'm just really tired. We had to get up early this morning.

Me: Well you can use me as a pillow and go to sleep.

Ella: Okay thanks. And man your fur is so soft.

Me: Yours is too.

She then falls asleep and I fall asleep as well.

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