Chapter 5

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Dakota's POV:
While I was driving home I see some object on the side of the road.

Me to myself: Was that a dog?

So I turn around and go back and when I get to the object I was so surprised of what I seen a Golden Retriever still alive so I picked her up and put an old towel on my passenger side floor board and lied her down on the towel then continued home and then I carried her to my room and lied her down on a dog bed and looked around her body for wounds and sure enough see had wounds and this were deep so I called the vet and the only place that would take her now was the Elkins Pet Hospital and I'm in Flatwoods. (Just saying these are actual cities in West Virginia, United States of America.) So I picked up the pup and put her back in my car and had Ella and Tuck jump in the backseat for a checkup. Then we went off to the Vet, but when we arrived they could not take the injured pup in for another 20 minutes but I blew up.

Me: Now listen here miss! This puppy is injured and you will see her now and by now I mean right now! I am not letting this pup die in my car or in my hands so even if I have to walk home you will see this puppy!

Secretary: Oh look a vet is free now just go to that first room.

Me: Thank you.

I then take my 3 dogs to the first room and a vet is waiting for me and she gets to work right away. And after 15 minutes of stitching and examining the pup is in casts and has some stitches and Ella and Tuck are due for a couple of shots. So when the vet goes to get the vaccines I realize Ella is scared.

Ella: Dakota are the shots gonna hurt?

Me: Well none of mine really did but they just feel like this.

I pinch her.

Ella: Wow of it hurts that bad then I will be fine.

Me: And it will hurt for a couple of days.

Ella: Okay.

Then the vet comes back in.

Vet: Alright so it says that there are 3 shots each.

Me: Okay.

I then grab Ella's paw to comfort her.

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