Chapter 4

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Tuck's POV:
The next morning we woke up and went for another walk and then we ate breakfast. After breakfast Dakota grabbed an object and started putting something around it.

Me: Dakota what are you doing?

Dakota: I'm wrapping presents for my family because Christmas is coming.

Ella: What's Christmas?

Dakota: Well Christmas is a time of the year to be merry and give presents and spend time with family and friends.

Me: I like Christmas already.

Ella: You can say that again Tuck.

Me: Well how do they get the presents?

Dakota: They just have to rip the paper open watch.

Dakota then opened the present by ripping the paper.

Dakota: Now you try.

He hands us a wrapped box and we tear into it.

Me: So cool!

We then watch him wrap the rest of the presents and hide them in his closet.

Dakota: Now Christmas morning I will give them their presents. So now you guys ready for lunch.

Ella: Ya!

We then watch him get our lunch and we eat it then go for another walk but during our walk Dakota gets a notification on his phone.

Dakota: Oh shoot. Alright sorry to rush but you guys need to hurry. I have to get to work.

We then use the bathroom and we go home and Dakota puts us in our cages and leaves.

Dakota's POV:
So I'm not really going to work because it's a weekend but I am doing something for Ella and Tuck. So I get to the craft store near me and I picked up a pink cage with Ella's name on the front and I also pick up a blue cage with Tuck's name on the front then get another idea.

Me: Hey can you make leashes and collars too?

Crafter: Yes I can make pretty much anything.

Me: Sweet can you make a pink collar and leash with the name Ella on them and also a blue leash and collar with the name Tuck on them?

Crafter: Sure $100.

Me: Okay anything for my pups.

Crafter: Thank you they should be done by December 21st.

Me: Okay thank you.

Crafter: Have a nice day!

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