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Seoul, 2041 July 7

- ' Why on earth I always forget my umbrella whenever it's raining!? '
Jennie mumbled to herself in frustration as the cold water droplets touched her face. It wasn’t a heavy rain, but she can tell it's soon going to drench her. She anxiously looked around, but the street was empty. Usually, these streets are less crowded....and since it's 10 of a rainy night, not a single person was out.

- ' Damn it! Dad and Papa are going to be worried even if I call them. '
Jennie said while taking out her phone from her pocket, but immediately she frowned
- ' Now this had to happen right now huh?! '
Angrily, she shoved back her phone which ran out of charge and just then, it started raining heavily. Helplessly, she again looked around and her eyes could only see skyscrapers and closed shops. She started running. It's impossible to run all the way her home because she's still around 30 minutes away from her house and by then, she would've caught cold.

As she took a turn, a dim light caught her attention in the dark alley. It was coming from a little shop nearby. Without thinking much, she ran with her full speed and burst open the door, almost stumbling on the doorstep.

- ' Jennie?! Is that you? '
Jennie shoved her wet hair out of her eyesight and realised she's inside the shop. It was a little bookstore without much fuss...and near the counter, a girl was sitting on a chair, whom Jennie recognised immediately.
- ' Li..Lisa..? '
Lisa got up from her chair and came near her with a bit shocked and worried face.
- ' What are you doing here at this hour? As much as I don’t live nearby right? '
- ' No...I....I'
- ' Hey, come sit. '
Lisa interrupted her and pulled her towards the chair. She collapsed on it tiredly and Lisa offered her a glass of water.
- ' Now tell me what you were telling. '
Jennie gulped down the water and said a bit hesitantly
- ' I was going back home from my part-time job. But it started raining suddenly... '
- ' You should keep an umbrella with you. It's rainy will rain every now and then. And you're really wet. Take off this jacket Jennie. Otherwise you'll catch cold. '
Jennie nodded awkwardly and took off her jacket. After a while, she again spoke
- ' Uh...if you don’t mind... can I borrow your phone? My one ran out of charge and...I really need to call my parents- '
- ' Of course you can. Here. '
As Lisa handed her the phone, she dialled her Dad and told him the whole incident. But even with her thousands assurance, he insisted on coming and picking her off.

- ' Are they coming? '
Lisa said while taking back the phone and Jennie nodded with a sigh
- ' Yeah. parents mean the world to me and I'm not being overdramatic about it. But they're... well...they love me way too much and  always are worried about me. '
Lisa shooted a grin
- ' Well it's pretty late.  They have rights to be worried! '

And just like that, the two girls talked about this and that untill two gentlemen in their forties opened the door and hurried in.

- ' Jen...are you okay? Are we late? Hey where is your jacket? Oh lord! It's totally wet! You will catch cold for sure! I've told you a thousand time to carry an umbrella, haven’t I? I simply don't understand why you don’t listen to me-'
- ' Uh..Jin...that's enough for now. She got it...right Jennie? '
The taller among them said, placing a hand on the other's shoulder as a sign to stop him from his endless lecture and Jennie nodded awkwardly, clearly not at all happy with the situation.

The man named Jin tried to tell something more, but just then he noticed Lisa, who's standing behind the counter and trying to hold back her amused smile. Lisa noticed him too, and bowed to the elders
- ' Nice to meet you Sirs. I'm Lisa... Lalisa Manoban. This is my mother's shop. '
The taller man looked around and smiled warmly at the books before turning towards Lisa
- ' Nice collections. I'll gladly visit your shop to have a look someday. '
Lisa returned the smile
- ' So nice of you Sir. '
The man chuckled
- ' I'm not a professor or something. Just Mr. Kim will do. '
Lisa smiled again and turned to Jennie
- ' Now you should go back before you catch cold. Our annual art programme is around the corner and you definitely don't wanna miss it right? '
Jennie said with a light smile
- ' Of course not! It's one of my few favourite things in school. '
- ' Sorry to interrupt...but do you guys know each-others? '
Both of the girls turned to Jin and Lisa smiled brightly
- ' Of-course Sir!  We're in the same class. She's my classmate for 2 years.'
- ' Well...first, if Namjoon is only Mr. Kim, then please don't call me Sir either. And're her classmate!? Nice to meet you Lisa. I'm Kim Seokjin, Jennie's Dad and this is my husband, Kim Namjoon, Jennie's Papa.'
Lisa shifted her eyes towards Namjoon and he nodded with a smile
- ' Thanks for taking care of Jen till now. We really appreciate - '
Suddenly, Namjoon stopped in midway and looked over Jin with wide eyes, and Jin also looked as shocked as his husband. Both of them turned towards Lisa with the same look and Jin almost whisper shouted
- ''re THE Lisa from her school? Like...the girl from her dance class? The one who always sits on the third bench, loves the school library and is a pro basketball player? That Lisa? '
Lisa was confused and shocked at the same time as she somehow managed to answer
- ''m...that Lisa.'t really have any other...Lisa in our'
- ' Oh my god Jen! Why didn’t you tell us earlier!? Yes yes....of-course you're that Lisa. Yup....whatever she said about you is truly correct. '
Seokjin said with a grin and Lisa looked over her friend, unable to say anything more. But Jennie's face was practically burning in embarrassment and she was blushing furiously. Without any delay, she almost dragged her fathers out of the shop after saying a quick goodnight to a dumbfounded Lisa.

- ' What the hell was that about huh!? What....why... UGH! You guys are just unbelievable! '
Jennie shouted as soon as she got up in the car and both of the male was trying their best to not laugh. Namjoon managed a reply
- ' We're just genuinely happy to meet the girl you're crushing over for a year. '
- ' Well...she's indeed a sweet girl. Good choice JenJen. '
Seokjin said, the grin not leaving his lips..but the teen was embarrassed beyond level
- ' Now what the hell I'm supposed to tell her when we'll meet at school? Why my parents know soo much about her and why they were that much amused to see her for the first time!? Do you even realise the situation? You guys practically fuc-'
- 'Language!'
Both of the elders said in a stern voice and Jennie huffed, but checked her words.
- ' Yeah yeah...sorry. should I do? Tell me nah! Everything is messed up now. '
Namjoon looked back at her with an assuring smile
- ' Well..nothing is messed up. She must have assumed what is what long before. You can't just crush over someone for a year without them noticing this. '
Jin nodded his head in agreement as he drove off
- ' Yeah Jen. You must like her a lot right? So let her know about it. It's your senior year in don’t waste anymore time. Admit it. '
Jennie looked down at her fidgeting fingers
- ' Bb-but...she...I don’t know...if she... umm...'
- ' That's why you should ask her. You can't hang in air for too long. Go for it okay? '
Jennie looked up to see both of her fathers smiling at her warmly. Something in their smile told her nothing is wrong....nothing can be wrong. She returned the smile
- ' two are...really... embarrassing but also supportive. '
- ' What a great way to appreciate your parents! '
Jennie giggled at Namjoon's words and the family talked a bit before something caught Namjoon's eyes. He slightly touched Jin's arm to pull his attention outside the car window 
- ' Hey...look. '
The family turn to their left, where Jin's grand boutique was standing.
- ' Remember that night? It was.... around the same time of year... it was raining too...and just like Jen went to Lisa's...I came here for shelter.  '
Namjoon said, eyes shining brightly and Jin smiled fondly at his husband
- ' How can I ever forget the night which changed my life? Only difference is... this boutique is now much more bigger and we're....not strangers anymore. '

Jennie could sense where the conversation was going and she almost jumped out of her seat in happiness. She loved this story. No matter how many times she has heard never gets old.

- ' Hey hey hey....tell me the story. '
Jin smiled and Namjoon raised one eyebrow
- ' Again!? You've heard this for umpteenth time! '
- ' Doesn’t count! It's my Papa and Dad's lovestory- wait... It's my Papa and Dad, Tae and Kookie uncle, Chim and Yoongi uncle and Hobi uncle and Ara aunt's story! In conclusion, all of my favourite people are included and I'll keep listening to this forever okay! You guys....had...practically the best love stories! '
Seokjin shrugged
- ' Well...we still do have the best love stories..but yeah whatever. Joonie? '
Jin smiled at his husband before turning his eyes back to the road and Namjoon took his que to start the story...more like...the best part of their lives.

- ' It was just another night in Seoul.But suddenly it started raining....'

Hey my lovely readers ! It's me again, with a brand new story ✨

Join Namjoon in his storytelling and live a story that's heart touching ♥

Meet you in the next chapter, from where the actual story will begin!

See yaa soon! 💜

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