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Taehyung just couldn’t hold back his big, bright smile as the wind continuously played with his hair, messing with them in every possible ways. Sun was shining brightly and it greeted him with warm sunrays.

- ' We'll be there in one hour more. '
Taehyung shifted his gaze from outside to the man besides him, and nodded excitedly. After they left Jeon mansion, Jungkook insisted they should visit Busan, his hometown..and Taehyung was really excited because he has never been there. So there they were...driving for hours to reach their destination. But it was not the destination that mattered. It was all about the journey. The roadtrip with the windows down....the slow music in the background... their conversation about every little things...the sun...the breeze....just everything was too much enjoyable. Maybe it was too basic, but that's what both of them needed. Being popular made them crave for normal, basic things...and that's what their plan was for the life with simple things. There's a different kind of charm in simplicity. Only those who has the eyes to see it can find beauty in it.

- ' Hey...look at me. '
Just as Jungkook looked at the elder, he clicked a selfie of them, brightly smiling at the screen.
- ' Perfect shot! '
Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's comment and sighed contently
- ' This trip is fun...right? '
- ' Try superb! I've never ever been in a long well as Busan. Koo how's it? '
- ' Busan? '
- ' Yeah. '
Jungkook nodded and a slight smile adored his face
- ' Though it's a city...but it's a lot more than that. Especially where our home is. It's not typically in the busiest part....rather we used to live in a remote area. As you know, Busan is known for it's splendid beaches, mountains and natural beauty. I grew up in Mandeok - dong.... it's a small town of the busy city and just filled with natural beauty. You know...when I was a kid... I used to go to hiking in summer! It was super fun...and even when we shifted to Seoul, I still used to come here in every summer for this. Hiking in morning was energetic and fun...while the afternoon hike was literally the definition of beauty. You know...the stars were worth all those steps! I...I just can't describe how amazing it felt was an experience of lifetime. '
Taehyung could really see how Jungkook's eyes were shining brightly with his childhood memory and how divinely he was smiling. Taehyung just wanted this smile to last forever....this shine to glisten forever....and this moment to last forever.

- ' Can we do that today? I mean...if you don’t have any other plans- '
- ' You want to go there!? For real? '
Taehyung smiled at Jungkook while nodding
- ' sounds pretty amazing. '
Smiling from ear-to-ear, the younger replied
- ' Okay then! We'll go there in the night. '
- ' Yeah...that sounds - no! said night!? '
As Taehyung questioned in a panicked voice, Jungkook shrugged
- ' Yeah...? What's wrong in that? You can see the stars only in darks. '
- ' But we can't stay for night! We need to be back before tomorrow Jungkook. '
Jungkook's heart sank a little at that, but after being quiet for a minute, his face lit up again.
- ' And who said we have to go back to Seoul before tomorrow? '
Taehyung furrowed his brows, kinda clueless
- ' What do you mean? '
- ' I's Thursday today. And tomorrow's technically weekend starts from tomorrow night right? '
Taehyung sighed, totally confused now
- ' Jungkook what's your point...will you please tell that? '
Jungkook parked the car on the side of the empty road and turned to Taehyung, eyes shining brightly
- ' The point is....we can ditch work for the weekend hyung! Everyone enjoys weekend once in a why can't we? Why can't we breathe the fresh air, away from our hectic schedule? And before you start.....I know you have shooting and I have my ongoing painting series...but hyung...we do all the work just to live life...we don’t need to live life for doing work right? At some point, it's okay to take a break.... It's okay to miss deadlines . Because nothing is more important than life itself. The moon...the mountain trails...the starlit night...the seashore of Busan....the sunrise and sunset...the wind...the nature is just infront of us, waiting to embrace us. Yes we can go back...but...won't you miss it? Maybe the moon and stars are always there...maybe sun sets everyday... but yet it's different hyung. No sunsets are identically nights are the same..the same moon shines differently each night...the same sun can paint the sky in endless different shades each dusk. This is what life is all about's the same yet different. Life may sound boring but it's not. There's tiny differences everyday and we just tend to overlook that. But that doesn’t mean it's all the same. Our only job is to find colours in our apparently monotonous life. Maybe we can come here any day....but that'll be not be the same like today. We'll miss today's beauty. But what if we just forget everything and get lost in this little town? What if we just shut close our every single identities...where we're not actor or painter..not brothers, sons or friends...where we'll be just us...two human beings...two souls...trying to find their colours together? Can't we be? Is that too much to ask hyung? '

To say that Taehyung was absolutely smitten would be an understatement. He was more than just captured by the painter's words. The younger said exactly those things that he had always wanted to feel....but never really got the chance.

- ' Hyung.....can't we just escape for a few days? Please...? '
Jungkook requested with pleading eyes, Taehyung sighed
- ' do you even manage to think all these things! '
Jungkook shrugged
- ' Don't know. I just tell what I feel. '
- ' But when I met seemed to be an introvert. '
Jungkook smiled and looked down at his hand
- ' I don’t share it with anyone and everyone's just....for special ones. '
Taehyung's breath hitched for a while upon hearing Jungkook's words, but immediately he managed a straight face.
- ' So....what's the plan? We'll go or not? '
Taehyung slightly smiled
- ' The stars look dazzling in the dark sky...right? How can we miss that? '
With the same smile playing on his lips, he took out his mobile from his pocket and turned it off, and did the same with Jungkook's phone.
- ' Now we're all set to spend a whole weekend without any disturbance. '

The duo escaped the whole world together. Now what next? How'll they spend  their weekend?

Keep reading to find out! 👀

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