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- ' Good morning Kookoo and Somi ! '
Jackson said while entering the dining hall with a huge smile and both the Jeon cousins smiled back. This one guy has always been their 'friend in need' person and they indeed loved this man immensely.

- ' Oppa! Good morning. Come sit. Mr. Jo has just served piping hot breakfast! '
Somi replied with an equal bright smile and Jackson took his seat.
- ' are you guys? All good? '
- ' Good? Try best! '
Somi said, smirking at her brother who just rolled his eyes and Jackson got confused.
- ' I...didn't get it. What's the deal? '
- ' Nothing. She's just overreacting! '
Jungkook said, dismissing the conversation but Somi was not a girl to give up!
- ' Uh-huh! I'm overreacting now?! Looks like you've already forgot yesterday evening Mr. Jeon Dumb. '
- ' Yesterday? What happened yesterday? '
- ' Nothing hap-mphmmm'

Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence, because Somi was quick enough to put her hand infront of her brother's mouth so that he can't continue.
- ' Yesterday, this stone-cold human being had fun! For the first ever time I saw him grinning about something other than art and paintings! '
Jackson raised his eyebrows at Jungkook, who was constantly slapping Somi's hand to get rid of it.
- ' My goodness! What made such impossible thing possible!? '
- ' THE always charming Kim Taehyung and his friends! '
- ' Wha-WHAT!? Jungkook what the hell!? I called you literally yesterday and you didn't say a word??! '
By this time, Jungkook has finally succeeded to shove away Somi's hand
- ' What's so important to talk about? '
- ' What not!? You guys are crossing roads every now and then! It's a signal from the destiny. '
Jungkook sighed and rubbed his face out of disgust
- ' For your occupation's sake, shut the hell up hyung! Who on earth believes in destiny?! '
- ' I do. '
Both Somi and Jackson said in unison, making Jungkook frown
- ' Wow! Amazing! Wonderful! You guys are too much, you know that? '
- ' We're not too much. You're being a dumbo. '
Somi said like she's stating a fact, and Jungkook had enough. He stood up from his seat
- ' Fine! Keep talking about this destiny shit and don't bother me. '

With that, Jungkook turned around but immediately stopped when he heard Jackson's words
- ' case you forgot, I came here for some more important things. '
Somi was confused with that, but Jungkook turned around and hurriedly came back to his seat
- ' Oh yeah....yeah. What about it? What should I do? '
The smile was gone from Jackson's face and a seriousness took over the place.
- ' You already know about the that's a relief that he's not taking drugs. But I'm still concerned about his health. '
- ' Why so? '
- ' Because of his extreme alcohol consumption. I definitely don't need to tell you how alcohol can harm our body because that's what I'm doing for past few years and you're not at all listening. '
Jackson said the last part a bit disgustedly, and Jungkook frowned
- ' No I am listening! I...yeah maybe I didn't stop drinking ...but I'm trying my best. '
Jackson raised one eyebrow at Somi who nodded a little
- ' Yeah..he tries to stay a bit more sober nowadays. '
- ' Good for you. Try harder and stay away from these things. '
- ' Yeah yeah....I'll. Now..what about him? '
- ' He's one hell of an alcoholic. And I'm suspecting, this overdose of alcohol has done awful things to his body. '
- ' bad is that? '
Jungkook tried to say in a normal voice but somehow it sounded breathy.
- ' I think...maybe he has alcohol use disorder. '
- ' Uh...what is that oppa? '
Somi questioned and Jackson nodded
- ' That's a kind of health condition due to daily and over drinking. Many call it alcoholism or alcohol dependency. It's a chronic disease caused by uncontrolled drinking which makes someone dependent on alcohol. '
- ' And is it curable? '
- ' To be honest....almost everyone who consumes alcohol daily is affected by this. So it's a common thing. But it can last for years.... or maybe lifetime. '
- ' WHAT!? '
Jungkook shouted in disbelief, and Jackson continued
- ' Yeah it can. And Koo...don't be so surprised. Even you were at an early stage of alcohol dependency. If not stopped before, you would be in the same place as Taehyung. '
Jungkook looked perplexed and Somi frowned
- ' So what now? What should we do? We can't let him continue this...right? '
- ' Absolutely not. I suspect...he's in mid stage. It needs to be cared before it goes out of hand. '
- ' And how will we do that? '
- ' This kind of patients usually are very arrogant about drinking and will not admit their problem. So we need to do it very carefully and without causing any problems for him. And for that, we need help. '
- ' Now who's gonna help us!? And hyung.... in case you're forgetting, he's a celebrity. It will ruin his career! '
Jungkook said with a frown and Jackson replied
- ' This is why we have to be secretive about it. And of-course his loved ones will help us. They must want to save him right? '
Somi shook her head
- ' We know him for a few days oppa! How on earth we'll contact his family? '
- ' Yeah...that's right- '
Jungkook stopped in mid-sentence as suddenly realisation hit him and his eyes opened widely
- ' Hey! No wait.... I know.. I know who we need to contact right now! '
Judging his expression, Somi understood his thoughts right away, and nodded several times. But Jackson was confused
- ' Who are you talking about? '
Both the Jeons smiled at each-other and Jungkook answered
- ' Seokjin and Jimin hyung! '

The Jeons are determined to help Taehyung and do to so, they need help.

What will happen when they'll reach out to Taehyung's loved ones?

Keep reading to find out!

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