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- ' And now turn the right leg....yeah...good... keep going...swing....twirl.....and....yup...hands.. and....ending....focus Ara focus....and....hold the position...and..... PERFECT! '
Hoseok almost jumped on his feet and clapped happily with a big grin as Ara smiled back at him
- ' What do you think? Will it be okay? '
- ' Okay ?! This is...this is beautiful Ara! A superb graceful choreography. '
Ara shook her head
- ' You're the choreographer Hobi ! '
Hoseok shrugged
- ' If the performer is not capable enough, no amount of choreography can do the job. You're truly a beautiful dancer Ara. You're gonna kill it in the fest. '

Ara shooted a bright grin and looked outside the glass window of the living room. It was afternoon...sun was still on the sky. Jiwoo went to Jeon mansion to practice her duet song with Somi...and Ara was practicing with Hoseok for her dance performance . The annual fest of their University is just around the corner and the girls were giving it all to perform perfectly. Hoeeok helped Ara with the choreography and ever since, they're practicing together. And yup, one thing that has changed in this few days is... Hoseokssi is now Hobi for Ara . Quite a good progress !

- ' It's been years since I last idea how'll I do. '
- ' But you're doing great. A bit more practice and you're good to go . '
Ara sighed and shifted her gaze towards the man in front of her
- ' I.... I'm...not sure...maybe.... I should just... I shouldn't perform.. '
Hoseok crouched down infront of the girl with a frown
- ' What made you think that?! You're doing so well me, you're going to perform perfectly. '
Ara looked down at the floor and went silent. After a few moments, Hoseok slowly tapped her shoulder, earning her attention
- ' What's wrong? I'm not pushing there something you wanna share ? Can I help somehow? '
Ara stared at the man for a long moment... as if reading his mind through his eyes, and suddenly, Hoseok noticed tears welling up in her pretty eyes, making him truly worried. He reached out and took both of Ara's hands into his own
- ' What is it Ara? '
She didn't speak. Instead, she slowly gave in and crouched on the floor as well, breaking into loud sobs. Hoseok took the indications well and wrapped his arms protectively around the girl. She buried her face on the crook of his neck, tear staining his shirt. They stayed like that for a long , long while and for the entire time Hoseok slowly patted her head while holding her closer to his chest. He could feel the girl was too much sad....broken and hurt, and wanted desperately to help her in any ways. But again, he wasn't someone who'd push around . He knew his boundaries well...and let Ara decide if he's trustworthy or not.

- ' I...miss him.... I miss him so soo much... I... '
That's all Ara managed to say before breaking down into another set of sobbing, crushing Hoseok's heart. He was more than sure that the girl was talking about her lover or someone.... and that just made him feel pathetic in a moment. But the way she was clutching his shirt into her fists and crying her heart out, he couldn't help but try to soothe her somehow. So he continued patting her head, too afraid to ask about the person she was talking about.

But again she spoke, and this time a bit stable
- ' I've never performed without can can I do it this time Hobi? no I can't... I can never... '
Hoseok took a breath before asking the most feared question
- ' And....who...who's he..? If you don't mind.. '
Ara let go of his shirt and laid down her head on his chest
- ' My entire one and only family... and the person who probably hates me now. My appa. '
Hoseok's eyes went wide as the words reached him
- ' Your...appa !? '
The surprise in his voice didn't miss Ara's ears and she looked up at him
- ' Yeah..? What's so surprising ? '
- ' I thought it's...uh....nevermind.. '
Hoseok's expression and hesitation told Ara what he thought, and even with tear stains on her cheeks, her lips curved in a smile
- ' What did you thought ? It's my boyfriend? '
Hoseok looked down, too ashamed to say yes.. and Ara gently shook her head
- ' No Hobi.... I don't miss him. Rather.... I hate the fact that I even loved a man like him.. '
Hosoek slowly raised his eyes to meet her gaze
- ' do have a boyfriend? '
- ' I did once.....and that's my biggest regret. '
Hoseok didn't ask why. He just kept staring into her eyes silently, so Ara sat straight in front of him...not breaking the gaze
- ' I told you so many things...about my past... my ex....but I've never told it clearly. Then why don't you question me further? You don't wanna know me? You...don't... '
Ara didn't finish, but Hoseok immediately shook his head
- ' That's not the fact. I want nothing more than to know you...but.... I don't want you to feel cornered. If I'm worthy enough to earn your trust, I know you'll tell me what is what. Untill then, I don't want to push you in any ways Ara. '
Ara didn't answer. She was long lost into the eyes of the man she has started to admire the most. A slight smile stayed on her lips as she sighed to herself
- ' You're...such a gentleman Hoseok. Just like my father. My Appa....he also never stopped me for anything. That's why...when he did, I was so adamant- '
Ara shut close her eyes as a single drop of tear came down from her eyes. After taking a moment to compose herself, she took a deep breath and looked at Hoseok questioningly
- ' you wanna hear my story? '
A divine smile took place on the man's face as his eyes lit up
- ' Anytime you wanna tell me. '

After an emotional breakdown, Ara is finally ready to recall her past. What secrets were she hiding till now and how can Hoseok help her out of this misery?

You'll be answered in the next chapter!

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