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- ' You sure they'll be happy with me? What's the point of meeting some strangers and hanging out with them?! '
Jungkook said while getting out from his car and Somi rolled her eyes
- ' Oh come on oppa! Jiwoo invited us! She's like....the sweetest girl of our University. Ara will be there too. Their brothers can't be that bad right? '
- ' The point is... I don't even know your Jiwoo or Ara or whatever. '
- ' Okay be a good boy and atleast try to talk with them. I'm calling them. '
With that, Somi called Jiwoo for direction and Jungkook reluctantly followed behind.

They came to the top floor, which is the food court of the mall and Jungkook frowned at his jumping sister. He'll never ever understand why she gets so much excited about little things!

This time, the little thing was two running looked equally excited, and the other was a bit more practical.

- ' Somiiiiii. You made it?! '
The excited one wrapped her arms around Somi and giggled
- ' Of-course! It's been a while since I hanged out with you guys huh? '
They pulled apart, and Somi went to the other girl, who was smiling indeed but not doing something 'extra' in Jungkook's view.
- ' Ara! Wow girl....I thought you were the typical first bencher without any fun. '
- ' Ah no no no...being interested in studies doesn't meen I have to be boring. '
Ara smiled and Jungkook commented from behind while pointing at his sister
- ' Good for you that you study...unlike this overhyped girl here. '
This made the other two girls laugh, and Somi just glared her brother
- ' Yeah yeah Mister oh-so-amazing student! Guys, sadly, this is my brother... and oppa, this is Jiwoo, our residential sweetheart of University....and that is Ara, my classmate and not-so-boring first bencher. '
Both of them smiled brightly at Jungkook and he nodded a bit, earning one more glare from Somi.

- ' Let's go and sit then? '
Jiwoo said with the same bright smile and Somi nodded
- ' Yup yup. Where are your brothers? '
- ' Yeah they're here....and their friends are on the way. They'll also be here anytime soon. '
- ' Great. Let's meet them! '

Jiwoo and Somi went away, happily tripping and giggling, Jungkook and Ara followed behind silently.

But as soon as Jungkook neared the table, a frown took place on his face and he tugged Somi behind
- ' What's the deal with these office guys?! This is some meeting or what? '
Before Somi could answer, Jiwoo smilingly said
- ' Oh no no...don't mind their outfits please! We literally dragged them here direct from their office. But there's no such official work is going on, I can assure you that. '

After reaching the table, Jungkook found three guys...probably older than him. One of them had the same bright aura of Jiwoo, maybe a bit brighter...and Jungkook assumed him as her brother. The other two, one of them was quiet and cute, and other one was talking on his phone, his voice was deep and raspy.
- ' Guys guys...look up. '
Jiwoo clapped her hand to grab their attention, and all of them looked at the newcomers. But Jungkook didn't notice all of them...because a certain someone who was talking on phone has already captured his attention
- ' Namjoon hyung!? '
- ' Jungkook?! What are you doing here? You're Jiwoo's friend? '
- ' Oh no no...I'm her friend's brother..but what about you? How are you here? '
- ' Jiwoo is like my little sister. She pulled me here. But you!? What a hilarious surprise Mister artist! '
Jungkook flashed a smile, making Somi gasp at the sight and other confused like hell, and sat down besides Namjoon
- ' Well...a man can live right? But you're the always busy guy! What now? Only busy for me and hyung huh? '
Namjoon smiled sheepishly
- ' Ah no no Kook...I was actually busy that day and hyung is probably still mad about that! '
- ' Like he should. That was our first ever collaborative exhibition! '
- ' Come on now...I said a million sorry, didn't I? '
Jungkook smilingly shook his head and Namjoon patted his back with a same smile.

- ' if you two are done with your warm little conversation, care to tell us how the hell you're connected? This girl over here might have a heart attack for god's sake! '
Both of them turned to Yoongi, who looked like he's done with the situation, and then they saw others...clearly confused, but Somi was looking totally perplexed.

Seeing the condition, Namjoon immediately started clearing the fact
- ' Okay so guys...My elder brother is an artist. Everyone already knows this but you- uh..sorry what's your name? '
Namjoon pointed at Somi
- ' I'm Jeon Somi. '
- ' Yeah..Somi. I was saying, my hyung is an artist and-'
- ' What's his name? '
Somi questioned further.
- ' Kim Jong-in...but he's better known as painter Kai. '
Somi's eyes shot opened at once
- ' KAI!? I mean THE Kai??! Isn't he your favourite professor aka artist, oppa? '
Jungkook nodded with a bright smile
- ' Indeed he is. I LOVE his teachings, arts, thoughts...I just love him as a human being. He's one of a kind. '
- ' And this bunny boy's favourite human is my elder brother. So...'
- ' Oh my god! I mean...this is...this is so cool to be honest!? Like..WHAT a coincidence huh? '
Somi said, unable to take in the whole situation and Jiwoo giggled while hugging Ara
- ' Looks like we invited the right people. See? We all know each-other this way or that! '
- ' But I honestly never assumed you'll be here hyung. '
Jungkook said while rolling his eyes at Namjoon and the elder punched his arm slightly
- ' And trust're the last person I've expected here! '

Things went pretty smoothly after that and the group was bonding pretty well, untill someone tapped Namjoon's shoulder, making him look back...and immediately a big grin took place on his lips.

- ' Hey Joon. '
- ' He..hey...Seokjin. '
Namjoon can't help himself but mesmerise Seokjin. He was looking simple in his black jeans and dark blue printed shirt...but that simplicity was his charm.
- ' I'm here too. '
Jimin poked his head from behind Seokjin's shoulder. He looked much more composed than yesterday in a white tee and black jeans.
- ' Oh hello Jimin. Come sit. '
This caught other's attention and Seokjin pulled a chair out for Jimin, who sat down a bit awkwardly, suddenly sweating for all the new faces. But he smiled back when he saw Yoongi across the table
- ' How're you now? '
- ' Much better. You can say...almost fine. '
Yoongi mustered a bright smile
- ' Good to know. '
- ' Guys.. '
Everyone turned to Seokjin
- ' Hello everyone... I know a few of you, but I hope we all will get along well. '
- ' Indeed! I heard so much about you from Namjoon that I was practically waiting for you. '
Hoseok said with his usual super-bright grin and Seokjin smilingly turned to Namjoon
- ' Is that so? '
The CEO was almost dying out of embarrassment by then
- ' mean...'
Everyone was amused and started laughing, but not for long. A situation occurred and the laughter died down... an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

- ' You..? '
- ' Mr. JK??!'

Taehyung, who was walking towards the table stood midway with wide eyes and Jungkook stood up, mouth opened in wonder.

Well... awkward situation indeed!

What will happen when favourite actor meets favourite painter, again? 👀

Keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading 💜✨
Don't forget to vote to keep supporting the group for their first ever meet up 💕

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