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- ' And this one is from my highschool days. Pretty immature and impatient to be honest. '
Jungkook said, a slight embarrassed smile playing on his lips but Taehyung shook his head several times
- ' Oh no no no Jungkook! For a high schooler this one is....incredible! You're immensely talented. '

Jungkook's smile widened a bit at the comment of the actor and his eyes travelled to the man besides him. They're in a spare room just besides his master bedroom. He use this for his paintings which he never disclosed to anyone. It's like his own private gallery....and till now only two people has made it till here. His sister...and now, Taehyung.

The actor was more than happy when Jungkook took him here, and he admired every single work of the artist with equal patience and enthusiasm, which is why Jungkook was happy that he thought of giving a tour of his private gallery.

- ' That's it? Not anymore paintings? '
Taehyung asked with glossy eyes, and when Jungkook shook his head as a no, he visibly pouted, melting every part of the artist's heart.
- ' That's so sad! I wanted to see a little bit more.'
Jungkook couldn’t hold back his smile
- ' We can go to other places, too. This mansion is anything but boring! '
- ' Like? '
Jungkook noticed how the elder's eyes perked up immediately upon hearing this, and he smilingly nodded.
- ' Anywhere you want. '
After thinking a while, Taehyung replied
- ' What's your favourite part of this mansion? Take me there. '
- ' You....sure? I mean...that's...pretty secluded. No one really goes there apart from me- '
- ' It's your favourite, right? '
- ' Uh...yeah...that...it is. Although I do love a few more places, but this one is really special. '
- ' Then we'll go there! '
With that, Taehyung held Jungkook's wrist and started pulling him towards the door...and Jungkook couldn’t help but follow the elder. With time, he was now realising that he's not really able to deny this beautiful man in any ways.

- ' But wait...where are we going? '
Taehyung asked after coming out of the gallery and Jungkook couldn’t hide his amused smile anymore
- ' I thought you'd never ask! '
With this, the artist took the lead and held Taehyung's left hand delicately into his own, and started running.
- ' Wait! Jungkook...what...wait why are we running all of a sudden!? '
The actor didn’t stop. Only his giggles echoed through the mansion
- ' Just like that! No reason. '
Taehyung didn’t really understand what he said, but he was enjoying the moment. This giggles, their racing hearts, this echoes of their laughter was somehow new to him. He never knew someone can enjoy their home this much... and he just went with the flow. Without any questions or hesitations, he let Jungkook guide him through the staircases and hallways.

Thia is how they ended up in the backyards of the mansion .
- ' Uh....Jungkook..? '
Jungkook looked back at the actor, who was suspiciously glancing at the dark place. Only the moon and stars were giving them light, and Jungkook stopped
- ' Maybe...we shouldn’t go there. We'll come at morning someday okay? '
As the painter was about to turn back, he felt a tug on his shirt. Taehyung it was
- ' When do you come here? In morning? '
Rubbing his neck, the painter smiled sheepishly
- ' Nah...I'm a night person. '
- ' But what's so special in a dark backyard? '
- I.. don't know. It's just...I...feel different here. Like...lost...away from this hustling world. No-one's there to disturb me. Only me...and nature...and moonlit nights. '
Jungkook said as if he's dreaming the scene infront.
- ' So...it's like...an escape? '
- ' It's exactly like an escape. '
Taehyung looked down....and after a few moments of silence, he said in a whispering voice
- ' Then....can I come along? I don’t want to be in this world anymore. I want to run away... far... far from all of this. I....'
Suddenly, as if he realised he shouldn’t say this, he stopped...and looked up at the painter with unsure eyes. But the younger has heard enough. He held out his hand for Taehyung and said in the most assuring voice possible
- ' Come with me. Let's get lost...together. '
Taehyung wasn’t really sure what he meant, but the urge to escape his 'picture perfect' life was so strong that he didn’t think twice when he held Jungkook's hand.

They started walking side-by-side. The pale moonlight was trying it's best to help them.

None was counting minutes, but it seemed like after five minutes or so, Jungkook stopped, and a smile was immediately prominent on Taehyung's lips.
- ' Now.....that’s..'
- ' Not what you expected in the middle of a dark backyard? Welcome to Jeon mansion Taehyung. Jeons are just like this....not what you expected. '
Taehyung's smile widened as he walked infront. Here, some big trees were situated...but that's not what made it beautiful. The place was beautiful because of the small set-up. A rope hammock was tied with the trees...warm blanket and fluffy cushion on it making it comfortable. Tiny fairy lights lightened the area a bit...creating a luminous effect all-over. But before any of them could speak, a soothing wind started blowing over the backyard, making the night a little bit cold. 
- ' Looks like this place really likes you a lot! See...the nature arranged a natural air conditioner for you. '
Jungkook said as he came besides the elder, and as he looked up at his face, the artist couldn’t help his smile. There was only pure bliss written all-over Taehyung's face as he was grinning brightly with shimmering eyes. The fairy lights were creating a glowy effect on his smooth honey-beige skin. The pale moonlight touched his dark smooth black hair here and there, making them shine. It was one of those moment when Jungkook could feel nothing but Taehyung...as if the guy captures him with all his charms and beauty. He knew he probably shouldn’t be feeling all this, but at the same time, he cannot stop himself from drowning in those deep nut-brown eyes which have a ocean in them.

- ' This is incredible Jungkook! I..I've never heard night so closely. Listen.....listen carefully. There's a music....a voice in this night. '
Taehyung said, finally looking back at the mesmerised artist who somehow managed a nod
- ' That's why it's my favourite place. It connects us with nature itself. Come....'

Slowly, he pulled the actor towards the hammock and sat on it, patting besides him. The actor also took the space and looked up. This made his smile more heavenly
- ' Jungkook...look! '
The younger followed his gaze up to the starlit sky with a divine moon accompanying them. Truly, the night couldn’t be more beautiful, atleast Jungkook thought so.

But proving him wrong, the actor layed down on his back on the hammock. The hammock was not big enough to give enough space for two, so Jungkook was about to get up...but Taehyung stopped him.
- ' Where are you going? '
- ' I...this...uh...well....there's not enough space for both of us...so- '
- ' No need. Come here. '
Taehyung scooted away a bit and pulled the artist down besides him. There was not any space left between them. Rather, Jungkook had to put his hand over Taehyung's, which was really making him a blushing mess.
- ' You...you're okay with it? I....can...sit on the ground I mean- '
- ' I told ya...no need. I'm fine. We're friends after-all....aren't we? '
Jungkook turned his head towards the man besides him, and managed a nervous smile.
- ' Uh...yes...we are. '
Smiling at the younger, Taehyung looked up at the night sky...and Jungkook did the same. Moonlight washed them away as both layed back on the hammock, enjoying the cooling breeze and the warmth of their joined hands altogether.

Now that the party came to an end, we finished with a warm moonlit night and a budding friendship!

Now let's see what more future has to offer to these to, as well as others! 👀

Thanks for reading and voting 💜✨

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