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- ' Hey....Namjoon...it's morning. '
Namjoon could hear the soft, gentle voice....but he thought he's dreaming and didn’t try to get up.  That is when someone touched his shoulder and the same soothing voice said again
- ' Get up....it's morning. See...the rain has stopped. '

Rain...yeah....he remembered....it was raining yesterday....

And then suddenly everything came back to his mind as he hurriedly got up and opened his eyes, bumping into someone in the process
- ' Ow...did I scare you?! '
With sleepy eyes, Namjoon looked up, and saw the same kind man from the night, Seokjin - standing infront of him with a look of concern in his eyes. It took a moment for Namjoon to compose everything and then he looked around the shop. It looked better in daylight.
- ' Uh...what's the time? '
- ' 7.30. '
Namjoon widely opened his eyes and almost jumped out of the couch
- ' Shoot! I'll be late for the meeting - '
But just before he could walk out,  looking like a total madman, Seokjin stopped him
- ' You have meeting on Sunday morning? '
Namjoon looked back at the shop- owner before blinking his eyes
- ' It's... Sunday? '
- ' Yeah..it is. '
- ' Oh....I thought.. '
- ' That it's some weekdays and you're running late for your super important meeting! Right? '
Namjoon smiled awkwardly at the amused man and he pulled him back to the couch, handing him a water bottle.
- ' Sit and drink this. '
Without saying anything, he took the bottle and gulped down the water.
- ' How far is your home from here? '
Seokjin asked, taking the empty bottle from Namjoon
- ' Almost 30 minutes of driving. '
- ' That's far enough. '
Namjoon nodded. For a minute, none said anything...then Seokjin broke the silence.
- ' Come, my home is not that far...it'll take hardly 10 minutes to reach if we go by car. '
- ' Uh...sorry? '
Seokjin looked at the confused man before breaking into a smile
- ' Have you looked at yourself mister? You look like a sleeping mess. You can't really go outside like that. Come to my house...get fresh...then go back to your home. '
Namjoon was completely astounded to say the least. He still couldn’t believe this man and looked blankly at Seokjin. Noticing his look, Seokjin smiled again
- ' What? '
- ' Are you like this to everyone or this is some rare case? '
Seokjin's smile only got wider
- ' Maybe both! '
He finished with a wink and went away to grab his wallet and jacket, leaving a dumbfounded Namjoon on the couch.


Taehyung could feel nothing but a sharp pain on his head as he opened his eyes as daylight waked him up. On an instance, he buried his face on his palms
- ' Ugh...!'
After a moment, he felt something was wrong, and then he looked around...

...yup, it was definitely not his apartment. And he was also not in his own clothes.
- ' Now where the hell am I? And whose clothes are these!? '
- ' Mine. The house and the clothes...both. '
Taehyung immediately looked back at the door, which was now half-opened, and a stranger was standing there with a tray.
- ' Who....who....are you? '
Closing the door again, the man came towards the bed...and now Taehyung realised it's not really a stranger. He has seen the guy somewhere before.
- ' I...know you....you....you..who are you? '
Setting down the tray on the bedside table, The man silently took one pill and a glass of water and extended it towards Taehyung. He was not taking it, eyeing the man suspiciously. He sighed
- ' Take this. Your head must be aching badly...you were totally drunk yesterday. This will ease the pain. '
Now Taehyung could remember....some blurry visions came back to his mind. Rain.....road...a car.....he fell down...

- ' I...you...yeah...right....you're the driver who almost killed me right? '
Jungkook looked straight at Taehyung with an expressionless face, then again motioned to the medicine. This time, Taehyung slowly took it.
- ' Yeah... I'm the driver who saved you and took you here. '
Taehyung frowned at the comment, but before he could answer, the man handed him another glass... this time it was not water.
- ' What's this? '
- ' Warm lemon water with ginger and honey. It helps me whenever I have a hangover. '
Taehyung looked at the glass, then at the man.
- ' Who are you? '
Jungkook's face remained the same expressionless
- ' Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook. '
Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows
- ' Jeon....Jungkook...I've heard this name....somehow... '
- ' How 'bout JK? '
Taehyung's eyes opened widely
- ' Oh yeah! JK! Right...I know you. He's the one who bagged national artist of the year for painting this year! You're... that JK? '
Jungkook nodded lightly as Taehyung's jaw dropped.
- ' But...he....you....'
- ' You thought him to be a person in his mid- thirties with long hair, living in his little cosy cabin in the countryside with a monkish set of mind? '
Taehyung closed his opened mouth
- ' Uh...well...'
- ' I'm none of that your so - called painters. I live in this goddamn mansion, thanks to my millionaire parents...and I'm more closer to the definition of an "young spoiled brat ". '

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