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- ' Oppa it's 2.30 already! Sleep...will you? '
As Somi said with pleading eyes, Ana patted Jungkook's back
- ' She's right Jungkook...go to bed now. Maybe he's not coming back today. '
Jungkook shook his head for several times before whispering
- ' No....that can't be....he told me he would come'll not go anywhere.... I'll wait for him. '
Sighing, Ana looked up at Somi
- ' Atleast you go to your room Somi...this is dead don't need to be up. '
- ' But eonnie - '
- ' Come with me. '
Ana got up from the sofa of living room and Somi followed her in a disheartened manner. All three of them were sitting in their living room for hours now, waiting for Taehyung's return... but the actor didn’t show up. He had shooting today  and promised Jungkook he'll be back before 10...but even after it was long past midnight, there was no sign of him. It's been almost half a month since the actor is staying in the Jeon mansion, but this has never happened before.

- ' It's so late...but oppa is not even moving an inch from his seat! What the hell is happening with him...this is totally not my brother....this is not him eonnie! '
Ana wrapped an arm around the stressed girl and said in a comforting voice
- ' I know it's not him....but at this point...we can't do anything Somi. The only person who can do something is not here. '
- ' But why he's behaving like this!? Okay..maybe he has a soft corner for Taehyung oppa but this is too much eonnie. This will ruin my brother! I can't let that happen. '
- ' Of-course... I get your point. But what if it's not just a soft corner but a lot more? '
Somi furrowed her eyebrows a little
- ' What do you mean? '
- ' I mean - '
Their conversation was disturbed by a loud thud on the main door, and moments after, it opened slowly, revealing Mr. Jo....and behind him, There was that man they were waiting for. He was not in the position to walk on his own....somehow barely managing to hang on Mr. Jo's shoulders.

Yup, a drunk Taehyung showed up at 2.45 of night.

- ' I found him outside the garden...slightly unconscious... '
Mr. Jo whispered awkwardly, but Jungkook wasn't hearing any of it. He almost dashed towards the drunk man and wrapped his arm around him. Mr. Jo took the indications well and left the living hall.

- ' Hyungie....what happened? Why're you like this? '
Taehyung looked at Jungkook blankly, as if he's not registering a single word, and that just shattered the artist's heart a bit more.
- ' Somi..bring some lemon water. And noona, can you please call Mr. Jo to change his dress?'
Both the girls were standing there confusedly, but moved immediately upon hearing Jungkook's words.

As everyone else departed, Jungkook once again looked at Taehyung, who was now resting his head on his shoulder out of tiredness. Eyes closed, his breath was slow and uneven. Jungkook looked away and started walking towards the staircase. It's really hard for him nowadays to stare at the elder for quite some moments....he always feels like he'll drown in that face forever.

Jungkook felt like he was back to that night one and half months ago again...except the raining part. Taehyung was so much dizzy that he was not in a position to walk...or go upstairs. So the artist ended up picking him up into his arms and carrying him to Taehyung's room.

As soon as Jungkook layed down the actor on his bed, he half-opened his eyes and pulled Jungkook by his wrist, startling the man in process
- ' Jungkookieeeeee...  '
There was that voice....the voice that drives Jungkook crazy and makes his heart beat twice rapidly. That very dazed, deep and baritone voice that makes him awestruck in a moment.

With a deep breath, he answered
- ' Ye...yes hyung? '
Taehyung has opened his eyes fully now...and Jungkook just couldn’t look away. He knew, they were staring at each-other a little too long
to be 'just friends'...but were they ever that? He doesn’t know. The only thing he realised that he saw magic in his eyes...a bit dangerous and dark...but immensely beautiful magic. As if the whole galaxy was shining brightly inside those deep brown eyes. Maybe....someone said right....eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be.

- ' Have I told you you're really beautiful? Like..  not....just average....but....reaaaaally beautiful. '
Taehyung said, flashing a drunk smile, and Jungkook could feel his cheeks burning
- ''re...way more...handsome than me - '
- ' Nooooo! '
Taehyung whined, pulling Jungkook, which set him off guard and he landed on top of the actor .
- ' You're....more beautiful than me. No...really you good good... not like're....good Jungkookie. '
Taehyung said, cupping Jungkook's face in his hands. At this point, Jungkook was literally breathless.
- ' you mean hyung? '
Taehyung slowly caressed his face, tracing every bit of his skin and lips with his fingertips, sending shivers down the younger's spine.
- ' I'm...not good Jungkook....not at all. You're so talented.....and.....kind....and....and....a...lot more.....things. But....I.....I'm.....just....nothing. Nothing. '
This words dragged Jungkook back from his delusional state of mind, and he shook his head
- ' Of-course not! You're just as much talented as me...maybe more. And who said you're not good?! You'' of the best man I've ever seen. '
Taehyung closed his eyes and pulled Jungkook closer, slowly wrapping his arms around the other's waist
- ' nothing. I'm a big...mess. no'
Taehyung's voice was tired and whispering... as if he has seen enough. That just shattered Jungkook's heart in million pieces. He was hurting and melting at the same time. This was the first time Taehyung has hugged him like this....or came so closer...but his words were sharper than a brutal knife .
- ' You too know nothing about me hyung. I may seem good and all...but I'm not. I never was. If you're a mess, then I'm a mess too. We are a mess. '
- ' You........can't be bad' Kookie....Kookie can't be baaaad....'
Jungkook realised the elder was enough tired to say anymore. He slowly looked up at the elder. Even when he was at his worst.....still Jungkook  looked at him like he's the most elegant artwork of this universe.
- ' We'll talk about it in the morning hyung. For now...take some rest. You're tired. '
With that, Jungkook slowly tried to got up, but Taehyung only tightened his grip around the waist of the artist
- ' Nooo....Kookie.....pleasee......'
- ' Please what? You need something hyungie? '
- ' Yeaaaaasss. '
- ' What? '
- ' You .... '

After almost half an hour, when Ana, Somi and Mr. Jo came to the room with the dinner of the two along with the lemon water and dress, they found the two men sound asleep peacefully, embracing each-other like the other one means the world to them.

- ' Uh....when...did...this happen? '
Ana smiled at Somi's question
- ' Maybe this was always there....just waiting for the right time and opportunity to bloom with it's full flair. '

Was it just an alcoholic delusion... or it meant something more than that?

What new turn will their relation take after this night?

Keep reading to find out!

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