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- ' Where is Ji? '
Hosoek asked as he got in and Ara replied while closing the door
- ' She went to Somi's place...and she's gonna stay over there. Tomorrow's the fest...so they'll be practicing till late night. '
- ' And what about you? '
Ara's face visibly dropped as Hoseok asked this.
- ' I...don't think I'll perform. '
Hoseok sighed and dropped his bag and suit on the sofa and care near Ara
- ' And why so? You were doing so great- '
- ' I've told you why Hobi .... '
Their conversation from yesterday rang in Hobi's mind as he sighed
- ' Yes you did . But Ara...this is the time to do something for yourself. Life has dragged you back enough. This is the time to jump back on your feet and live life. And I'm pretty sure your father would be happy too to see you dancing again. '
Ara's eyes glistened for a moment before she shook her head
- ' Maybe he will....but I'm... I'm not doing any good. I'm losing confidence. I don't know what I'll do in front of the whole University. '
Hoseok stared at the girl for a while.... who was clearly lacking faith and confidence. Doubt was written all over her face . This is when Hosoek asked something he never thought he would.
- ' Then let me help you. '
Ara looked with confusion in her eyes
- ' What do you mean? '
- ' I mean... Let's dance together ? I can assure you , you'll not lack anything while performing. '
Ara was astonished to say the least .
- ' What....does that mean? You wanna... perform together tomorrow? '
- ' Yeah...that's exactly what I meant. Wait a bit okay? '
Hosoek shooted a smile and went to his room, leaving a totally baffled Ara behind.

When he came back after a while, he was changed in his comfortable tees and joggers, looking fresh again. The smile was intact on his face as he played the song Ara was about to perform on, soothing music busting throughout the room.

Straight coming to the middle of the room, he stretched out his hand at the highly confused girl
- ' The song will not wait Ara...this is your time. Forget everything else, okay? '
Ara hesitantly looked between Hoseok's hand and face, and he didn't wait for her answer anymore . Taking a step forward, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the middle of the room, and almost at once started their choreography . He was the choreographer, he swayed along the music swiftly. Ara on the other hand, was really struggling to keep up with the pace because she was way too much confused to dance. But Hosoek's assuring smile, his laid back postures and elegant moves was getting her into the rhythm slowly. As the end neared, both were giving their best, letting the music take over their minds and let their body move around the dance floor on the beat.

For a moment, their was no-one...no-one and nothing on the room. Only them, their synchronised moves , the music...and their unbroken eye contact . Ever since Ara started to dance along, they were looking into each-other's eyes.....forgetting everything else.

When the song ended, both were standing there, holding their ending posture . The smile never left Hosoek's face, and Ara was staring at the man with utmost awe and bliss in her eyes. It took a second for her to went flying into his arms, and as a reflex, he wrapped his arms around her waist . Both were smiling brightly and their eyes were closed, feeling the moment by their beating hearts.

- ' Hobi....? '
He slowly smiled and inhaled the the sweet scent of her hair before slowly opening his eyes and his gaze met two equally bright eyes, beaming with joy . He could say a thousand different things at this moment...but damn! Those eyes....those eyes always steal every words away from him. How he's supposed to speak when he's just drowning more and more into those starry eyes?

- ' Hey... '
Again she spoke, and Hoseok giggled like a kid. As if....his every days found it's peaceful nights and every paths found it's destination.
- ' Will you just listen to me ! ? '
Ara said, cupping his face into her palms and he nodded several times
- ' Yes yes....of-course....anything you wanna tell! '
Both just stood there, lost in the moment and admiring each-other, untill Ara took a deep breath and snuggled closer to the man , burying her face into his chest.

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