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- ' It's....breathtaking! '
- ' Yes...of-course it is. '
- ' I've never seen something soo beautiful. '
- ' Me too. '
- ' This is soo special... I can't get enough of this beauty! '
- ' Exactly...soo much special. '

As Taehyung tore his gaze from the starry sky towards the man who's laying besides him, he found Jungkook - looking at him with eyes that were outshining the stars.
- ' I was talking about sky Jeon!'s soo beautiful right? '
Jungkook looked up at the vast sky for a while before shrugging
- ''s...good. But I've seen more beautiful things. '
Taehyung excitedly got up and sat on the soft grass
- ' Really!? Where is that? Will you take me there? '
A smile played on the painter's lips
- ' That's not a place hyungie...that's...'
- ' That's what then? '
Jungkook realised he was talking a bit too much than necessary, and smilingly shook his head
- ' Nothing much. But yeah...this night is truly charming. '

After ariving on Jungkook's ancestral house in afternoon, the duo got fresh and after having a homemade meal - thanks to the neighbouring family, they took a nap for the tiredness of the long journey. When they woke up, it was evening. This is when they packed their backpacks and left home for hiking. As this area was more than safe and the mountain trails were easy to climb, they were not bothered about it at-all. So here they were, camping on the top of a little hill beneath the dark and star-studded night.

- ' Kookah...what about everyone? We didn’t tell them about this...and we just disappeared. They'll panick right?  '
Taehyung asked in low voice, eyes fixed on the sky above and Jungkook smiled
- ' And who's plan was it to switch off our phones?  '
Taehyung giggled
- ' But you took me here! You planned to go I just helped in the plan. '
- ' Helped in the plan huh? '
Both of them started giggling together, the sound of their laughter echoing through the valley.
- ' We should tell them....'
- ' We'll. But not today.....not right now. '
Taehyung turned his head towards the younger
- ' But why? '
Jungkook also turned his head, staring right into the actor's eyes
- ' Because phone calls can wait...but this moment won't. I don’t want to spoil it hyungie. '
Taehyung could have just nodded and looked away...the whole sky was there for him to stare at....but no. He chose to stare at the painter's eyes instead. Being an actor, he doesn’t just get charmed by beauty anymore. Yeah, these eyes were indeed beautiful but for Taehyung, it was more than beauty. He saw comfort...freedom and assurance in those eyes....he saw genuine warmth in those deep brown ocean....he saw a maze in those eyes....a maze that has the power to capture a soul forever - not by power but by freedom.

- ' Jungkook...?  '
- ' Hmm? '
- ' Don't take it otherwise...but....your eyes are really.... '
- ' Really what? '
Taehyung couldn’t just say it out loud. He wanted to say a lot...he wanted to tell how much he loves those eyes and how beautifully they're outshining the stars and the constellations. He wanted to tell how he drowns everytime Jungkook stares at him....and how he can get lost in those eyes forever. But words weren’t coming out of his mouth. As if....a fear was holding him back...a fear of losing a person  so dear to him.

- ' Hyung...? '
Jungkook's concerned voice dragged him back from his train of thought, and he found the younger sitting on the ground, worry written on his face
- ' What happened? Any problem? What's it? '
Now Taehyung realised he got lost in his mind and didn’t reply the painter....making him worry so much. He doesn’t like to make Jungkook worry but a part of him feels overwhelmed by just the thought that Jungkook is genuinely concerned for him.
- ' problem. It's...nothing. '
- ' You sure? Are you not feeling well? Then we can- '
- ' Jungkook I'm fine...really. No need to worry so much. '
Still not assured enough, Jungkook took one of Taehyung's hands into his own and gave a slight press
- ' You can tell me anything...okay? No need to hide something from me. '
Taehyung couldn’t help but sigh at that. If only Jungkook knew...
- ' I'm really okay're overthinking. '
- ' But you don’t seem like you are. '
Taehyung also got up and sat infront of the younger
- ' What do you mean? '
Jungkook's eyes glistened with concern as he held Taehyung's hand closer to his heart
- ''re an adult...a free human being. And I have no right to tell you or forbade you anything....I'm no-one - '
- ' Jungkook! If you want to tell something, just do that nah!? What is all these? of-course matter to me....and why will I not listen to you?! Just tell me what's it? '
Jungkook silently stared at Taehyung for a while before slowly whispering
- ' life...we all face difficulties and problem...and try to solve it or find a solution. But sometimes, it order to calm our aching hearts, we end up hurting ourselves. Is that a wise thing to do? '
Taehyung   gently shook his head
- ' No...self-harm is not good. '
- ' Exactly. Not for the person...and also not for his or her loved ones too. It's painful to see someone who's really dear to us suffering. Don't you think that? '
Taehyung nodded this time
- ' I do...but how's this relevant? '
- ' It is is. Someone I love is doing the same thing with him and that's hurting both of us. Can you tell me what should I do? '
- ' You should talk with him about it...discuss the matter clearly. If you love them so much, then probably he does the same with you. I'm sure he'll listen Kook. '
After keeping silence for a while  the younger spoke up
- ' Do you love me? '
The question was so out of the blue that it left Taehyung flabbergasted
- ' Wh...what...why so suddenly? '
- ' Do you? Yes or no? '
Taehyung could feel the heat rising on his cheeks as he shuttered
- ' I...uh...I mean...yeah...but not that kind of love...I... '
- ' So you do?  I'm not talking about any particular you love me? '
Taehyung gave a small nod at that and Jungkook's voice overflowed with plead
- ' Then hyung...please....keep my this request? I've never wanted anything from you...but...please..listen to me this once? '
Taehyung was totally not understanding anything, so he confusedly asked
- ' What's it Jungkook? '
- ' Please stop drinking alcohol. '
- ' WHAT!? '

The younger has requested something very unusual and surprising...but how'll the actor react? Will he be ready to give up alcoholism? And why he even started this?

Keep reading to find out all the answers ✨

Thanks a lot for reading and voting 💜✨

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