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- ' But I still don't get it Mr. JK. Why your doctor friend wanted to see me again? I'm totally fine! '
Taehyung said while coming out of Jackson's chamber and Jungkook followed behind
- ' He..he wanted to make sure you're okay. He was really worried about your health earlier and-'
Jungkook was cut off by loud screams and bright flashes of cameras. Startled, he looked infront, only to find a huge crowd of reporters and fans, waiting for the actor.
- ' Holy shit! '
Taehyung muttered under his breath and glanced at Jungkook who was bewildered to say the least.
- ' What...what should we do now?! '
Immediately, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by arm and went back to the chamber, shutting the door behind them. This whole thing was confusing the doctor and he came towards the two men
- ' What on earth just happened!? You guys left just a minute ago right? And what is all the noises outside? '
Jungkook looked at Taehyung cluelessly and Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment
- ' The media....and some fans. I don't know how they track me everywhere! '
Jackson blinked a few times before answering
- ' Being the heartthrob of the town is costing you a lot huh! '
This made Taehyung more embarrassed
- ' I'm really sorry...I..didn't mean to-'
- ' Ah please Mr. Kim! Don't be sorry for this. It's a part of your life...nothing to be sorry about. '
Jackson said with an assuring smile and gestured towards the seat
- ' You have to wait here I guess. '
- ' But you said you have a photoshoot... right? '
Jungkook questioned, to which Taehyung nodded
- ' I'll be late I guess.'
- ' No won't. Wait a minute. '
With that, Jungkook walked away with his phone and Jackson smilingly said
- ' This boy is ready to do everything! '
Taehyung shifted his gaze back to the doctor and said in a confused tone
- ' Sorry? '
- ' Jungkook I mean. This is quiet a new version of that boy....and I must say, I'm really liking this one. '
- ' So he's not like this? '
- ' Absolutely not. He's...he never gave a damn about the world unless it's him or his closest ones. Yeah he's low-key kind...but he doesn't know how to show it. Helping someone was always way out of his league. I know him since his highschool days....and I must say, I'm quiet astonished with the boy, thanks to you Mr. Kim. '
Taehyung frowned at that
- ' Me?! What I did? '
Jackson shook his head and put on a smile
- ' If everything goes well...I hope you'll know what you did one day. '
Taehyung was about to ask something more but Jungkook came back at the very moment
- ' They'll be here soon. '
- ' Who? '
- ' My securities. I called them...and my house is not far from here. They can escort us from this situation. And.... Mr. Kim... '
Jungkook stopped before turning towards the actor
- ' You should keep your bodyguards with you. It's...not safe for you in times like this. '
Jungkook said with utmost concern and worry...which Taehyung definitely didn't miss.
- ' I...will keep that in mind Mr. JK. I apologise for your inconvenience -'
- ' Sorry for interrupting your sweet little conversation but...honestly , you guys are almost the same age..and not related through works! Why are you so formal with each-other? And Please.. I'm done with this ' Mr. ' thing. Call me Jackson okay? And you're Taehyung from now on. '
Jackson said like he's giving orders, and got up from his seat to make some important calls, leaving the other two men behind. For a moment, they said nothing....then finally Taehyung cleared his throat
- ' him hyung right? '
- ' Yeah....'
- ' He's elder than me...I should call him hyung too, right? '
- ' You can ask him..but I think he'll prefer that. '
- ' Okay..'
In the middle of their awkward conversation, Jungkook's phone rang, and he got up
- ' They're here....let's go? '
- ' Oh...yeah let's go. '

Once again, they went outside in the blinding lights and overhyped screams, but this time, Jungkook's guards shielded them and made ways for them to go towards their car. But the short walk was distressing to say the least. Apart from taking pictures...the crowd was asking all sorts of question which was not pleasant at-all.

- " When you guys started dating? "
- " Oh my that JK? The painter!? "
- " Who's ill among you? What is the problem? "
- " Are you boyfriends? Or...husbands? "
- " Mr. Kim...tell us, are you gay? Are you bi? "
- " is this the inspiration behind your new art series? "
- " When will you come out as a couple? "
- " Sir... Sir please sir! A pic sir...please. "
- " This is soo disgusting! Such a hottie like you should be straight! "
- " Hey this is not legal here! Break up you two!"

- ' How do you even deal with this!? '
That's the first question Jungkook asked after driving out from the place and got no answers. Shifting his gaze besides, he found the actor lost in his thoughts.
- ' Mr. Kim..? '
- ' I' JK.'s soo embarrassing..'
Jungkook clearly heard the sorrow ringing in his voice.
- ' I didn't mind. do you manage this things? It's....overwhelming! '
Taehyung shifted his gaze towards Jungkook and smiled, but Jungkook was sure he never saw something more saddening than this smile.
- ' I'm used to it now. People gonna judge me anyways.'
- ' But this must be a lot of pressure right? '
- ' I told you....I'm used to it now. '
Taehyung turned his face towards outside and Jungkook fixed his gaze to the road. The whole ride was silent untill he stopped outside Taehyung's apartment.

- ' Thanks JK....and...once again I'm really sorr-'
- ' Mention not...and please don't be sorry Mr. Kim. '
Taehyung lightly nodded and got out of the car, but before he could wall away, Jungkook called from behind
- ' Mr. Kim? '
Taehyung turned back
- ' Yes? '
- ' You me Jungkook. JK sounds...too much. '
This was the first time since the morning when Jungkook saw Taehyung smiling genuinely
- ' But that's your professional name! '
Jungkook was beyond embarrassed but still managed a smile
- ''s professional. That's why. '
Taehyung shooted a grin
- ' Then you have to call me Taehyung. '
- ''re elder than me. '
This made Taehyung's grin wider
- ' Call me whatever you want...but Mr. Kim sounds professional. '
- ' Will hyung do? '
- ' Gladly. '

Both grinned at each-other...suddenly forgetting the incident earlier. Taehyung bid goodbye and went away, leaving a overly happy Jungkook behind who immediately called his sister in excitement.

- ' Somi! You wouldn't believe what has happened! '
- ' Lemme guess...Taehyung's appointment with Jack oppa went well? '
- ' did. But you know what more happened?! '
- ' Reporters called you boyfriends? '
- ' Yeah that - wait! How do you know!? '
- ' Because that is trending right now and you guys are literally everywhere! Congratulations for the rumour oppa. '
- ' Wait WHAT?! '

The ice between the two is melting slowly....

But now that there's fake rumours everywhere, what impact will it have on their relation? Can Jungkook help Taehyung out of this situation?

Keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading 💜✨

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