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Seoul, 2018, July 7

Jungkook's eyebrows were furrowed as he kept driving through the tremendous bad weather. It was almost impossible to drive in this situation, along with the fact that he has already chugged a decent amount of liquor, making him half-drunk. Any other person would give up driving and go for a shelter untill the weather is better....but it's Jeon Jungkook. Giving up was never an option for him, so he took this as a challenge and was determined to drive until....

Until a sudden incident stopped him.

He was driving pretty fast, not reckless but not safely too. The road was clear, with only rain and thunders to accompany him, which fueled his speed. But just when he took a turn, a man was in sight....walking, more like stumbling straight towards his car. He pulled the break instantly, causing a hazardous and abrupt stop, bumping his head on the steering in the process.

- ' What the hell...isss...this huhhhh? '
Jungkook's head was almost spinning and aching badly when he heard a voice, drunk, tired yet bold and baritone.
Jungkook walked out of his car and immediately found a man laying infront of his car and hopelessly trying to get up from the wet street.
- ' Who...are yooouu! What do you own the..road!? Nooo asshole! You cannot drrrrrrive like this - '
- ' Check your mouth before I punch you for coming infront of my car!  '
Jungkook clearly had enough and wasn’t in the mood to hear a drunk guy talking shits about him. But seemed like the guy was not in the mood to listen to Jungkook's words
- ' Shut up you rich moron! eeeeven know...who are you talking with? '
- ' I certainly don't know and clearly not in the mood to know a drunk clown okay?! Get the hell out of here right now or else I'm going to run over you. '
- ' That's all you wealthy jerks can do! Killl...killl us....our dreams.....our careers.....and...and...'
Jungkook cursed under his breath as the man seemed to pass out. He wiped away the raindrops from his face and crouched down to pull the man up. By this time, both were completely drenched in the heavy rainfall and Jungkook noticed the guy was shivering as cold wind was hitting his wet body.
- ' Hey man...come on get up. I don’t need anymore drama! '
Jungkook said while pulling the guy by his hand and he also tried to get up, but the street was slippery by the water all across the road, causing the drunk man fall on his back with a loud thud, and Jungkook also couldn’t keep his balance, landing on top of him.
- ' UGH! What more do I have to deal with huh? '
Jungkook muttered as he pushed himself up and settled himself on his elbows, and this is when he saw the man underneath for the first time... and realised it's definitely not the first time he was seeing that face. He stared at the trembling and dazed out man with shocked eyes as his jaw almost dropped.

- ' Ki...Kim....Taehyung!? '
Upon hearing his name, the man fluttered his eyes and opened them with great effort as he stared at a starstruck Jungkook blankly.
- ' Ye....yea...yeasss. '
Jungkook almost gasped out
- ' You''re the actor Kim Taehyung? The one who debuted just a week ago? The one who acted on the  drama? You're that Kim Taehyung?! '
Not fully realising his words, Taehyung nodded lightly, earning another gasp from Jungkook
- ' Good lord! Man....I watched the whole drama in two days! It was damn good and everyone acted soo well and I was kinda sad that your character died at the end! I have to say, you're a really brilliant actor and-'
Jungkook was almost zoned out as he kept blabbering, but slowly, Taehyung was losing his sense. After a few more moments of praising the actor, he looked down and found out Taehyung has passed out...and this is when he realised he was laying on top of the man for quite some minutes while it was raining cats and dogs continuously.

What a great night indeed!

Jungkook got up, stumbling but still managing somehow and looked down at the man.

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