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- ' Hyung...don't you think Jungkook is being a bit too much worried for Tae? Is that even normal to be soo much worried about a kind-of stranger? '
Jimin said, patting little Holly's head who was comfortably asleep on his lap, and Yoongi hummed while looking up at the sky. They were sitting on a bench of the vast garden of the mansion as the night was slowly pouring over them.

- ' Maybe....maybe not. '
Jimin frowned
- ' What kind of answer is that!? '
Yoongi tore his gaze away from the starlit sky and looked at the guy besides him
- ' This place is a very mysterious thing Mr. Park. You never know what will it do next. '
Yoongi said, pointing at Jimin's heart and the younger knitted his brows together
- ' But...how's that relevant here? '
- ' Every single thing is related to our mind and heart. This two things decide how we'll react to certain situations. Namjoon was telling me that Jungkook was never the boy to think about other's problems. Yeah, he always helped people...but only if he was asked to...not by himself. This Jungkook is not his usual self. '
- ' But why he changed his personality? '
- ' He didn't do it intentionally perhaps. It just...happened somehow. '
Jimin sighed, shaking his head
- ' I have no idea what you are talking about! Seriously....since when you're talking this much mysteriously? '
Yoongi smiled slightly and shrugged
- ' I was just telling what I feel...nothing else. '
- ' Then your feelings are way beyond my head! '
Yoongi grinned and again looked back at the sky above
- ' Feelings are meant for heart Jiminie...not for brain. Try understanding them by your heart.... that's the only way to decode someone's feelings and emotions. '
Jimin looked at the man besides him who was deeply lost in admiring the star-studded night. He has given him this sweet nickname a few days ago....and Jimin kinda liked it. In this last week, while spending the whole week in his house, Jimin has realised this man is extremely gentle, caring and lovable...but doesn't know how to show that.
- ' I don't get what you say sometimes! '
- ' Then should I keep my opinions to myself? '
- ' Ah...no! When did I say that? Just...explain it clearly? '
Yoongi again smiled warmly, eyes still fixed on the night sky
- ' I'll try Jiminie. '

- "... this limerence is washing me away...
Capturing my soul in your thought.
Can't I just absquatulate?
Leaving the war I never faught... "

Ara looked up at the man infront who was more than mesmerised by her words.
- ' How's this one? '
Hoseok took a breath before answering with immense awe
- ' Brilliantly breathtaking. '
Ara couldn't help her dazzling smile
- ' Was it really? '
- ' Of-course it was! Every single poetry was equally beautifully written. How do you manage to write such amazingly artistic things Ara?! '
Ara shook her head with that same smile
- ' It's just....my thoughts. Nothing else. '
- ' Then your mind has to be a divinely beautiful place to think something so gorgeous. '
- ' Ah no no Hoseokssi... You're praising me a bit too much. '
- ' That's not true! I'm genuinely swept away by your words Ara...I never knew you had this talent. Ji told me you're a student of creative writing...but I never knew you're so much of a poetess yourself! '
Ara flashed a smile
- ' Ever heard of Black Swan? '
Hoseok crunched his nose
- ' The bird? '
- ' Yeah...it's a bird too but I'm talking about the new writer. '
- ' Writer.....oh! '
Hoseok's eyes shot opened and he almost started jumping.
- ' Ah yeah yeah...Ji talks about that person a lot! She even showed me their books...and I gotta admit that human being got some real skill! But why so suddenly? You know that writer? '
A shy smile adored her face as she nodded slowly
- ' I...do. I..know her a bit too much. '
- ' Really!? Then you gotta tell that to Jiwoo. She would be the happiest version of herself! '
- ' Uh...well...Hoseokssi...that...writer is...me.. '
Ara said in a very low voice, fumbling on every words..and Hoseok looked like he was hit by a truck
- ' Shh....not so loud! No one knows this till now...'
Ara said, putting her hand on Hoseok's mouth to stop his shouting
- ' BUT... I mean...but...why!! You're such a talented author and quite a lot people loves your books. Why don't you tell them who you are! I mean...penname is good and all but your readers should know you right? '
Ara sighed and looked at the moonlit city infront. They were standing on the roof of the mansion and the night was dazzling to say the least.
- ' I...can't Hoseokssi. '
By then, the excitement has left the man as he realised something is wrong with the girl.
- ' Then...perhaps I shouldn't ask why..right? '
Ara shifted her gaze towards the man besides her, and kept looking into his eyes for a solid minute before answering
- ' Have you ever wondered...who am I? And... what's my story? That night...why I had decided to end my life? '
Hoseok also stared back at her for quite some moments before shaking his head
- ' No Ara....I've never wanted to know all this. '
By then, Ara totally turned at the man, a bit taken aback by his reaction
- ' Never? '
- ' No...never. '
- ' And why so? '
- ' Why wouldn't I!? If you ever feel like sharing it...I know you will. I don't need to push you for that. And Ara...we all have past. I so don't believe that judging someone by their past life is any good. I know you...the present you. That's all that matters and I'm happy with it. Yeah, I'll always be there if you ever feel like showing your past self, but if you don't want to do that ever, I'm still absolutely fine with it. I know Ara... past can be...hurting. If your past had led you to that dreadful night, then better forget it. Live life with your this self Ara...that's the only way to live fully. '
Hoseok finished with a smile, the same warm and gentle smile she has seen a month ago. That was also a night....the night this man has convinced her to live once more...the night she got to know the story of his life. If something truly hits her differently since that night, then it has to be this radiant smile. She finds a different kind of comfort and assurance in this.
- ' I thought...you were enough gentleman. But... here you are...proving me wrong again! '
Hoseok flashed one of his brightest smiles
- ' I never intended to do so! '
For a moment, none said anything...just looking at each-other and smiling their heart out. The night felt serene and warm.
- ' But I do want to tell you Hoseokssi... not only because you deserve to know this..but because...maybe...I...'
The smile faded from her lips, and she looked down..unable to say anymore.
- ' You can tell me anything Ara. Even if it's only to give you some relief. I'll not judge you in any ways. '
Looking up again, Ara couldn't help but wrap her arms around the torso of the man and rested her head oh his chest
- ' I'll tell you one day....when I'll be courageous enough. And please....don't mind me...I.. don't know what I'm doing or if this is right- '
- ' Hey hey....calm down okay? '
Hoseok patted her head softly and wrapped his one arm around her shoulder
- ' You did nothing wrong Ara...it's okay to lean on someone when you're tired of everything. It's okay to seek help....to find comfort...to look for assurance. That doesn't make you weak...that makes you human..that means you're strong enough to accept your real emotions. I'm so proud of you Ara...I'll always be because even after thinking about ending it, you were strong enough to give life a second chance. You're not a coward...you are not a loser....you're brave and a fighter. I want you to know that always. You're a fighter. '

As the evening turned into night, true emotions are finding it's way to warm up the hearts!

Will Jimin be able to decode Yoongi's emotions someday?

And will Ara ever be courageous enough to show her past scars to the man who gifted her a second life?

Keep reading to find out! 👀✨

And lemme tell you, the night is not over, yet! 👀 More has to come!

Thanks for reading and voting lovelies 💜✨

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