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- ' was your photoshoot? '
Yoongi asked as he saw Jimin coming out of the studio and the model gave his natural smile
- ' Good..infact great! They even gave me another project. '
- ' Oh..that's really good. '
Yoongi opened the front door of his car for the younger and he happily hopped inside.

- ' So...where to mister? '
Yoongi asked as he got up in the driver seat, and Jimin blinked a few times before answering
- ' Are we recreating Titanic? '
Yoongi looked at Jimin and immediately realised what he said, making him flustered at once
- ' No! I...didn’t...I mean...I didn’t mean it like that...I- '
Yoongi went silent as the soft giggles of the younger reached his ears
- ' I was just kidding hyung! No need to be embarrassed. '
Yoongi didn’t dare to say anymore and started driving and Jimin started talking on his own 

- 'Jin hyung went to Tae's house with Jungkook and Namjoon hyung.. '
- ' Hm..'
- ' Do you think they'll succeed to convince Tae? '
Yoongi shrugged
- ' No idea. It's depended on the situation and circumstances. I can't predict it from here. '
- ' I hope he'll agree with theTae. That's the best for him. And also....have you noticed Jungkook? '
Yoongi scrunched his nose
- ' What's there to notice? '
- ' No I mean...he's so much involved in this. He doesn’t even know Tae for that long.'
- ' Sometimes we just get involved for the right people. You know any kind of relations...time really does a small part. It's upon them. You can be indifferent for a person you've known for years...and can be really concerned about someone you've met a couple of days ago. It depends on the circumstances and the person. '
Jimin went silent for awhile, rethinking Yoongi's words, and a light smile graced his face
- ''re really right. Look at us I mean! We didn’t know each-other a week ago..and here we are, driving home together! It's funny how Universe works! '
- ' Wait..home? You want to go back? '
Jimin blinked a few times and nodded
- ' I thought you're dropping me to Jin hyung's house...?'
- Oh...and I thought...okay...nevermind. '
- ' No wait...what you thought? '
- ' Nothing much. '

If it was anyone else, Jimin would have asked further.. But it was Yoongi. He was not afraid of the man but for some reasons, he respected this person more than anyone. Maybe because he's the savior of his life...or maybe because....

He doesn’t know. But he really was curious to know what Yoongi wanted...and probably he could sense it a bit.

This is why he started to find a way to start a conversation, and looking  outside, he got the perfect topic to do so.

- ' Hyung! Look outside! '
Yoongi turned his head and a soft smile played on his lips.
- ' They're sooooo cute! Right hyung? '
Jimin giggled while looking outside and Yoongi nodded a bit. Yes, it was indeed a cute sight!

A dog marathon it was!

More than 20 cute puppies were running and playing on the park just across the road and were even earning medals for racing!

- ' Hyung..stop stop stop! '
Jimin said while jumping on his seat, and Yoongi was confused
- ' But you wanted to go home! '
- ' Not anymore! Can't you see how cute they are!? I have to go and play with them! Pleaaaase.... Pleaaaase ? '
Jimin said, displaying his puppy eyes and the cutest pout and that's all it took for Yoongi to stop the car.

- ' Yaaaay! Come with me! '
Jimin ran out of the car, holding Yoongi by wrist who almost struggled to match the pace of the jumping younger.
- ' But why will the owner will allow you to play with their dogs? '
- ' Ugh! Can't you see they're from dog shelter?! '
As Jimin told, Yoongi noticed the banners for dog adoption nearby and just then, something little and fluffy touched his feet which made him jump away.

This caused a lot of laughters from the people of dog shelter, but what embarrassed Yoongi the most is the soft and hearty giggles from the model besides him.

- ' Oh my god hyung! You're such a poised and tough guy I thought....but you're none of that! Who gets afraid of a little, cute furball huh? '
Following his words, Yoongi looked down and found a little brown furry toy poodle , wiggling it's tiny tail while looking up at him with happy eyes. This sight took his embarrassment away in a moment and a big, bright gummy smile took place on his face instead as he crouched down on the ground
- ''s you! You really freaked me out buddy! Rule number one, never nudge your face on someone's feet who doesn’t even know you're here, okay?  '
Yoongi said with the softest voice possible, and the puppy licked his hand while wiggling it's tail.
- ' Awww! You two look soo cute together. '
Jimin cooed from behind and crouched down as well and patted the little dog, who happily jumped on his lap.
- ' It's cute..right? '
Yoongi said with the same smile and Jimin nodded happily while playing with the furry puppy.
- ' What's you name, little one? '
Yoongi asked the doggo, but a lady from behind answered it instead
- ' We haven’t named him yet. He's just 1 month old...and he's the youngest one here. '
Both of the male looked behind and got up, the puppy still securely held in Jimin's arms.

- ' Looks like he really liked you guys. '
The lady said while flashing a smile and the duo smiled back
- ' He's really cute! '
- ' That he is. But...we're really sad for our this little kid. '
Yoongi's smile faded upon hearing this
- ' Why so? '
- ' We found him when he was just a baby of 5 days....abandoned. It’s a great blessing of the almighty that he's still alive. When we found him, it was almost impossible to save him... his conditions were critical. '
- ' Someone...abandoned him? abandoned...him...?'
Jimin whispered while looking down at the playing puppy in his arm...and Yoongi noticed the dropping of his voice and the glistening corners of his eyes. Something in his heart clenched at the sight. Just a moment ago the guy was literally beaming with happiness and joy....and now his eyes were shining with tears.

- ' Can we adopt him? '
Both the lady and Jimin looked at Yoongi at once, and the lady was more than happy to say the least.
- ' You really want that?! '
- ' Yeah...we really want that...don't we? '
He said the last part while looking at the model who was too much stunned to say anything. Yoongi took the little pup from Jimin's arms and smiled at him
- ' He's too good to be left out! We'll take him..and he's....Holly ..yeah he's Holly from now on. '
- ' That's... So soo good of you Misters! Come with me and we'll finish the official works....and he's all yours! '
The lady happily walked away and Yoongi followed, but two arms wrapped him from behind, stopping him on his way.
- ' You're.....'
That's all Jimin could say before breaking down into sniffles, and Yoongi turned around
- ' I'm what? '
Jimin looked at the man infront for a solid one minute before whispering
- ' Too good to be true. '

Happily introducing Min Holly!

That pup is just sooo cute! 🥺💕

Also, isn't our Yoongles an angel in this chapter?! 🥺❤️

Yeah, yeah...I know! I didn’t tell you what happens with Taehyung and Jungkook yet...but wait a bit lovelies and enjoy this sweet chapter of our two angles meanwhile! 😚💞

You'll get to know what is the plan about Taehyung's treatment in the next chapter! Keep reading 💕

Thanks for reading 💜✨

You gotta vote on this chapter because, come's just soo cute! ❤️

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