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- ' You're sure? He's gonna come today? '
Namjoon slowly whispered and Hoseok nodded with a sigh
- ' That's what he said. I hope he'll come. '
Namjoon went silent for a moment and Yoongi nodded
- ' You've done a tremendous job Hoba...this is.. life changing. '
Hoseok smiled a bit, but his eyes were uncertain
- ' I don't know....what will be her reaction. '
- ' She will be happy.. I'm sure of it oppa. '
Jiwoo said with an assuring smile and patted her brother's back .The whole group was there and they were all seated on the campus of Jiwoo and Ara's University, outside the auditorium. The show will start in a few hours and Hoseok was visibly panicking about his decision earlier. That's why the whole team was with him, trying to comfort and assure him.

This is when a voice called Hoseok's name and the whole group turned their heads. There was the girl they were waiting for, all dressed in an elegant black lace ball gown and matching accessories. Her hair was tied in a waterfall braid where a beautiful vintage flower tassel hair pin was placed.

She walked straight to the group with her natural effortless elegance and shooted a bright smile
- ' How do I look? '
The entire group looked straight at Hoseok, who was gaping at the girl, clearly smitten by her beauty. Seokjin shook his head and replied instead
- ' Absolutely beautiful Ara. And I can see a similarity in your outfits. '
He said, pointing at Hoseok who was still not over the phase ans Ara nodded excitedly
- ' Yeah is quite similar. We're performing it has to match . See his lace collars ? I made those! '
Ara said happily and Seokjin almost clapped
- ' You're an outstanding girl Ara! This is beautifully sewed...and totally matching ! You have quite some knowledge on designing huh? '
Ara shook her head with a smile
- ' Nothing to match your knowledge, I can assure. '

Jiwoo patted her brother's back while Seokjin and Ara conversed to make him come back to the reality
- ' I get it...your girlfriend is oh so good looking and specially today she's looking like an ethereal queen. But can't gape at her 5 minutes ! '
Hoseok's cheeks were tinted slightly as he tore his gaze away from the girl to talk with Jiwoo, but a certain someone caught his eyes in between.

Walking slowly towards the group with a little bit hesitation, there was the man he was waiting for so eagerly. Yup... Mr. Han came...for real.

A big smile adored Hoseok's face as he immediately got up and walked towards the man
- ' Thanks a lot Sir... I just couldn't tell you how much happy I am to see you here. '
Mr. Han gave a faint smile in return as his eyes searched for his daughter through the crowd, and noticing that, Hoseok pointed towards Ara
- ' There she is. We still have a few hours left for the show. '
Hoseok could clearly see how much happy and broken the man looked at the same he gently held his hand to guide him towards the group. Mr. Han just walked...clearly overwhelmed by the circumstances.

Ara was busy in talking with the group , so she didn't notice any of this. That's why, when Hoseok approached the group, she turned her head with the same grin plastered on her face... only to get an extreme surprise.

- ' Excuse me everyone. I want you to meet a guest of mine. This is Mr. special guest for today's show. '
Everyone was well aware about who he was... so they looked at Ara cautiously, not sure what else they can do.
The girl looked like she has never seen something this much shocking in her life.... and Mr. Han's eyes were clearly glistening from tears.

After almost 3 years...out of the blue.... so suddenly..?

How? How can her appa come back like this? Is it a dream? What is happening?

Desperately, she looked at Hoseok, eyes searching for answers, and Hoseok smiled warmly at her
- ' You didn't want to perform without him right? Now you don't have to. '
Ara looked like she just couldn't wrap it all around her mind, and this is when Mr. Han took a step towards his girl, voice shaking with overwhelming emotions
- ' A.. Ara.... '

That's all it took for Ara come crashing on Mr. Han, wrapping her arms around her father. She was not in the position to reply because tears didn't seem to stop in any ways from her eyes. Mr. Han also couldn't hold back his tears anymore. 3 years?! he survived without his little angel coming flying to his arms?! How....just how much proud he was when he thought to end relation with his little one? Yes...she didn't listen to him at that time. But Ara was never like that. She was the most obedient girl. He should have talked with her with more patience. If he did....then his little Ara would have to never see these hard days.

The whole group was smiling...and the brightest one was Hoseok's. Finally....finally he's able to put an end to the bitter misunderstanding... finally he's able to see her happy from within.

When finally Ara's tears listened to her a bit, she got down on her knees, holding her father's hands
- ' Appa....why...why you came back?! I don't deserve you.... I don't deserve anything if life. I... I was such a stupid girl - '
- ' Get're ruining your dress ! '
Mr. Han pulled her up back on her feet, wrapping his arms around her
- ' I'll not ask for your permission to come to my daughter. Besides, I'm here for this young man. All my life, I've never seen a guy like him. '
Mr. Han said with a bright smile, looking at Hosoek who smiled back and shook his head.
- ' Han Ara....dare to break his heart and I'll abandon you for real this time! '
The whole group laughed at the threat of the father...and Ara looked at Hoseok, eyes shining with tears. Both looked at each other...and kept looking, untill Mr. Han almost pushed her towards him and Hoseok caught her perfectly into his arms. The group chuckled at the sight and one by one started heading towards the auditorium for the upcoming show. Only Jiwoo and Mr. Han stayed back with the couple.... who were lost in their own conversation.

- ' You told me nothing! How could you Hobi? '
Hosoek rubbed the back of his neck
- ' This was a little surprise. '
- ' LITTLE?! That's....this...this is the best surprise I can ever have! you even realize what you did? '
Hoseok smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Ara's ear
- ' I did what I should. Not everyone is blessed with a family...or worse, a good and loving family. If you have one, you should treasure it Ara. I... I don't know how it feels to have a father. But you do. Why lose it? This is one of the most precious feelings in the world Ara... ask those who have never been in their parent's arms. Past is past. Leave it behind. Let's start freshly again. Can't we?'
Ara was looking at the man in absolute awe. Why...just why he swipes her off her feet every day and every moment?!
- ' I like the sound of "we" . '
Ara said , smiling brightly and Hoseok joined their foreheads
- ' Me too. '

A family reunited, all thanks to our Hoseok!

Now let's see what new turns this story will take 👀

We've come the half-way ! It's quite a long story 😅

Thanks for reading and voting 💜✨

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