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- ' And she has no books, dresses, pens, lunch boxes, shoes- '
- ' Hold on...I get it. I know it...she practically left with nothing Ji..so... isn’t it natural? '
Jiwoo sighed and flopped down on Hoseok's bed
- ' Yeah but how'll she go to the University today!? We have some friends..so they can manage the notes. I can lend my clothes, bags and all that. But books!? We're studying different things oppa...what about that? And besides, she definitely needs some personal things for her own. What about that? '
Hoseok sighed and scratched the back of his neck
- ' Can't I just buy everything for her? '
Jiwoo rolled her eyes
- ' No you can't because it's Han Ara we're talking about - the most stubborn and determined girl I've seen in my entire life! You can't even imagine the level of her self-esteem oppa.... she's the exact opposite of gold digger... so... not happening. '
Hoseok sighed once more
- ' But I just wanna help her! '
- ' I know...but....she'll take it otherwise. She hates being pitied. '

For a moment, both of them sat in silence..but soon, Hoseok turned to his sister in excitement
- ' What if I give this as a loan? Like... she can pay me back later? This way...it'll help her now, and it'll not hurt her self-respect. '
Jiwoo thought for a while before breaking into a smile
- ' Good job bro! Let's go and convince that dumb bestfriend of mine. '

Well... Jiwoo was right. It took them a lot of time to make Ara even consider the offer. She wasn’t even ready to accept it as a loan...but then, Hoseok was determined to do so, and deep down, she knew her situations well.

After a whole lot of arguments, shouting, scolding and requests...things turned the way the siblings wanted. Ara accepted to receive it only and only as a loan and nothing more. But nevertheless, it made Hoseok contend enough. Maybe small...but they actually proceeded in helping her.

- ' But... I have nothing today. I can't go to University right now. '
Ara said, looking outside the window at nothing in particular and Jiwoo wrapped her arms over her bestfriend's shoulder
- ' Sure! We'll start when we're done with your shopping. '
Ara turned back with a frown
- ' We? '
- ' Oh yes dumbo. We. I'm definitely not going to leave you alone here. I'm skipping the University thing untill everything is sorted out. '
Ara vigorously shook her head
- ' No no no....noway Ji. You're not going to miss your classes for me. That's totally not okay-'
- ' Shut the hell up, okay? I know what I need to do and you don’t need to tell me. I'm staying and that's final. '
- ' But it's-'
- ' She's right Ara. Let her accompany you. Besides....it's only for a few days. Both of you are straight A students and it won't hurt to take a short break. '
Hoseok said with a reassuring smile. After yesterday evening on the tower, Ara's finding it hard to say no to this man. Somehow....even if she wants to deny.. she can't find it in herself to turn down this human. This was another reason she accepted the offer.

Sighing to herself, she nodded slightly, and immediately, the siblings smiled at her brightly.
- ' Good girl. Now come and help me to make breakfast. And you, Mr. Jung Hoseok....in case you forgot, you're one of the team leaders in a big damn software company and maybe your friend is the CEO, you still gotta attend the meeting....and the meeting is starting in 2 hours, so you better hurry up. ' 

Jiwoo said, more like ordered, and Hoseok's smile faded instantly
- ' Oh...god! Yeah...my meeting....shit shit shit... Yoongi and Namjoon are gonna kill me! Ahhhhh...'
Two of the girls bursted out in laughter as the eldest hurried out of the room, jumping and panicking.
- ' This brother of mine would've lost his job if I wasn’t with him! '
- ' I feel sorry for him...he's late for me-'
- ' Ah...shut it Ara! He's always like this. It's just Namjoon oppa and Yoongi oppa loves their bestfriend aka brother a bit too much and spoils him like this, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to attend any meeting! '
Ara smiled again
- ' Really? Who are they? '
- ' They? They're...the best people on the earth! Atleast for myself. '
- ' Uh-huh? '
- ' Yup. These three are bestfriends since high school and now work in the same company. Well more like... Joon oppa's company. He's the CEO, Yoongi oppa is his secretary and oppa is one of their team leaders. '
- ' Ah...that's...really good. '
- ' You know, when Namjoon oppa's father was thinking about handing his the CEO position, he insisted oppa and Yoongi oppa to join the company. He was pretty much sure Joon oppa couldn’t handle such a huge company singlehandedly at that young age. Joon oppa's father..and his whole family loves all of us like their own child and we're more like a family. '
Ara smilingly nodded
- ' Sounds like good people. '
- ' Trust me..they are. Now that you're a part of our clan, you gotta meet my favourite human beings! Actually...you know what?! Let's meet them today. '
Ara wasn’t actually sure what Jiwoo meant by that and asked confusedly
- ' Uh...today? Today..they have...meeting, right? '
- ' Yup...but we can go and surprise them in the lunchtime! That would be so soo fun! All of them loves to eat my dishes... so it'll be a real good surprise. '
- ' Will it okay..? I..don't know... I...uh... maybe I shouldn’t-'
- ' Ara! When will you stop thinking about these things and actually live a little huh? You're gonna love them...trust me, they're really nice people and they'll be really happy to meet my bestfriend. '
Ara didn’t argue further, but the hesitation was still visible in her eyes. Jiwoo sighed to herself and cupped Ara's face into her palms
- ' Listen Ara...no matter what happens...  never forget to smile. You have to put everything in the past and move on. You can't live with all your previous cuts and bruises...you need to find a way to heal them. Our life is very unpredictable yet precious Ara...we cannot predict what will happen next...but we need to live on. Yup, none of us are ready to face everything and anything in life...but... that doesn’t mean it'll not happen, right? We cannot control our lives...but we can surely change the ways we live it. You're strong Ara...I know...you're strong. Just find your strength within your soul and face life with a bright, big smile. This is your second chance to live again.. please don't waste it. Live...live like you've always wanted...live like you've ever dreamt of....live Ara...live like there's no tomorrow. I know noone can forget past...but let it fade atleast. Surround yourself with new people and new beginnings. This is the right time for a fresh start...and like my brother said..we're here with you, no matter what...we're here to help you up..to make you feel better...to uplift you. You just need to break down your walls a little and take life as it is, and I'm sure my favourite girl can do this for herself, right? '
Ara's eyes were tearing up since halfway of Jiwoo's words...and when she finished, Ara broke down in loud sobs, hugging her bestfriend tight in her arms....unable to say anything. Jiwoo smiled and patted her head in order to calm her down.....

....and Hoseok smiled fondly to himself seeing the whole thing from the doorway. Indeed, he knew he has the best sibling ever...but when did her little sister grew up so much!?

When life brings you down, smile back and get up...because you don’t belong to the ground.

Can the Jung siblings help Ara to settle down her life once more? Or her life will be a chaos again?

Keep reading to find out!

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