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- ' Jungkook..?! '
Taehyung was beyond astonished as he opened the door and saw the painter standing there with a nervous smile.
- ' He...hey...'
- ' What a pleasant surprise!? Come inside. '
Taehyung opened the door and the painter came inside, followed by the elders, making the actor more surprised.
- ' happening...? Is everything  alright? '
Seokjin flashed his usual charming smile
- ' Indeed! Actually...we have a good news for you Tae. '
- ' Good news? '
- ' Yeah..for you. '
Namjoon said, smiling equally and before Taehyung could ask farther, Seokjin pointed at Jungkook
- ' He'll tell you. '
Taehyung turned back at the painter with bright, shiny eyes and grinned a bit and suddenly Jungkook forgot all of his worries and nervousness at once. Instead, a different kind of determination was settled in his mind.

- ' I...have a request for you hyung. And it would really help me if you agree to do so. '
- ' And what's it? '
- ' The thing is...I'm starting a new series of paintings real soon...but I wanted to do something different this time. '
- ' But I love your original style! A perfect blend of modernism and abstract art with a touch of's really really soo unique of you and your hands are golden JK! Why would you change your style!? '
All three men took a minute to respond to Taehyung's overjoyed reaction about Jungkook's painting style, and Seokjin finally said
- ' know what all these things are you said just now? '
- ' Of course I do! I'm in love with his art-form and for the past three years...I followed his patterns and styles, evolving to be more perfect with every stroke. He's...he's the reason why I love paintings and art soo much! '
- ' Uh....sure! That means you'll not say no to your favourite artist, will you?  '
- ' No no....absolutely not! What's it Jungkook? '
Taehyung said the last part looking back at the painter, who looked like he has experienced some kind of heavenly pleasure at that time.

- ' Jungkook? '
- ' Hmm...?'
Though Jungkook said it, he was totally not there. His mind has left him the moment Taehyung started talking about his art.
- ' Tae...give me some water please? '
Seokjin said suddenly, and Taehyung went to the kitchen to fetch him some water while Namjoon went to the artist
- ' Kook! What the hell are you doing!? He's more than ready to do what you tell....and I'm more than sure he'll agree. This is the high time..tell him! '
Jungkook seemed like he didn’t listen at-all. Instead, he looked at Namjoon with a huge grin on his face
- ' You heard him hyung?! He....he knows my original style...and he likes it! No...he said he said he loves it! He....Kim Taehyung loves my paintings hyung!? Oh my god! I...I don’t...what- '
- ' JEON JUNGKOOK! Behave yourself right now or else don’t call me hyung. '
Namjoon said strictly with a cold voice and the younger immediately pouted
- ' Hyuuuung! '
That was enough to melt the CEO's heart, but he sighed and held Jungkook by shoulders
- ' need to convince him, right? Do that first...then we can celebrate about the fact that he likes your paintings so much, okay? '
Jungkook nodded eagerly, and just then Taehyung came back with three glasses of water.
- ' Here. '
Handing them the glasses, Taehyung once
again looked at the artist with bright smile
- ' were telling me something? '
Jungkook nodded and took a deep breath, then started
- ' I said, I want to do something different this time...and I thought, as an artist, I must think about those who appreciates my works. And this is why this idea striked my head. '
- ' And what's it? '
- ' I....want this series to be dedicated to my admirers...and to be inspired by them.Their mind should be my canvas..and their thoughts should be my brush. '
- ' But how'll you do that? That sounds like a pretty tough job. '
Jungkook nodded but flashed a smile
- ' It wouldn’t be if you help me. '
Taehyung was clearly shocked by then
- ' Me...? How can I help in all this? '
- ' I think you're really into art...aren’t you? '
- ' To be precise, I'm more into your art. '
Jungkook blinked a few times before clearing his throat
- 'Uh..well...yeah...that..means you like my paintings right? Can I say you appreciate my works? '
Taehyung almost jumped up and down by hearing this
- 'Of-course I do! '
- ' So...will you help me to do this series? '
- ' '
- ' By sharing your thoughts and views. Hands will be mine but the picture will be yours. '
Taehyung was more than overwhelmed at this point
- ' Oh can can't! '
Jungkook's smile faded instantly
- ' But why? I really need your help. '
Taehyung looked at the elders, then back at the artist, and then literally everywhere of the room
- ' I....I'm not an artist.. I don’t know anything - '
- ' That's exactly what I'll need hyung! I need raw thoughts....not artistic but unique. And you're indeed that. '
Taehyung looked like he was expecting everything but this, and Jungkook kept speaking
- ' You have that unique personality....and I have a gut feeling that you do have a lot of opinions that are different than mine. I need that for this project  hyung. Please.....don't deny...please? '
Taehyung's mind was divided in two halves. A part of him was telling him that he can never do something soo important like JK's next series, but at the same time, the other part was hurting to see his favourite artist requesting him.

- ' Tae...?'
Seokjin's voice pulled him out of his mental fight, and he looked like he's lost.
- ' Tae...if you weren’t the right one for this, then I'm sure Jungkook would never request you to do so. Don’t underestimate yourself. Going with the flow is neaded at some point of life Tae...'s not everyday JK comes at your door, right? '
Taehyung looked back at the artist and after a moment, he sighed
- ' But I'm more than sure that I'll not be able to help you in any ways. Still....if you really want that.....then...'
- ' You will....? You'll help me? '
Taehyung nodded while looking at the floor, and in a moment, something came crashing towards him, causing him to fall back on the sofa behind.

Yeah, scaring the shit out of the actor, it was Jungkook who literally wrapped him into his arms and fell back of the sofa with him.

- ' Thank you thank you thank you...THAAAANK YOU hyung! I...thought.....but nevermind! Now that you're ready, when are you shifting to my place? '
- ' I...WHAT!?  '

Taehyung finally said yes to help Jungkook...but will he be ready to move to the artist's place?

Keep reading to find out!

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