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A light tune of music reached Hoseok's ears as soon as he opened the door of his bedroom. It was coming from the kitchen. Rubbing his eyes lazily , he started walking towards the source of the sound.

Yup, it was indeed coming from the kitchen.... from Ara's mobile, to be accurate. The girl was cooking something, and was dancing on the slow beats of the music, totally lost in her own world. Her movements were not perfect and definitely not at-all professional...but it had that soul of dancing in it....something that captures the mind...something that soothes the eyes... something that makes the heart dance along with it. Some of the hairs were flying here and there from her messy low bun. She was humming the tune along with the song, and moved around the kitchen with effortless grace.

She was smiling divinely, a smile that was long lost from her face....and he was mesmerised, like he's seeing something truly beautiful after ages...or maybe for the first time.

- ' Earth to you mister loverboy?! '
Jiwoo's words tore Hoseok's attention from the dancing girl to the amused sister of his and he scrunched his nose dismissively
- ' What the hell are you talking about? '
- ' The fact that you're staring at my bestie with shining eyes and open mouth for a solid three minutes is probably enough to prove that you're crushing over her, isn’t it? '

This was happening since the day the group went to the mall together. Jiwoo was pulling her brother's leg every now and then, and though he was trying to deny it , he's failing miserably!

- ' Good morning Ji...good morning  Hoseokssi. '
The siblings looked back at the girl they were talking about, and Jiwoo shooted a big smile
- ' Goooooood morning Ara. But what are you doing at the kitchen so early? '
- ' I was making our breakfasts and lunchboxes.'
Hoseok interrupted
- ' But I've told don’t have to make lunchbox for me everyday. We have canteen in our office. '
- ' Still....homemade food is better. '
Ara said with a smile, and Hoseok couldn’t find anymore point to argue.
- ' But Ara...I won't be going to University know that right? '
Ara nodded
- ' Yeah....I didn’t pack your lunch. Now get fresh everyone. '
Hoseok hurried towards  the washroom, and Jiwoo flopped down on the sofa
- ' I don’t have to hurry today! '
- ' Yeah yeah...but finish your project today. Don't just watch movies and chill around, okay!?'
Jiwoo rolled her eyes, but grinned widely
- ' Okay mom! '
This earned her a flying tomato piece indeed, which she catched immediately between her teeth
- ' Since when you're good at catching!? '
- ' Since exactly the moment my bestfriend thought of attacking me with flying tomato! '
Both of the girls started laughing, their voices ringing through the house, and Hoseok came out of the washroom just then. Their laughters were so contagious that a similar smile took place on his lips too.

His house was feeling revived if someone has sprinkled the essence of life around it's every corners.

After their breakfast, Ara and Hoseok left together. He'll be dropping her to her University and then he'll go to his office.

- ' Hoseokssi...what's the current news about Taehyungssi? He did said yes to help JK...right?'
Hoseok nodded but sighed
- ' He did....infact he agreed almost immediately. But what took time is the fact that he has to move to Jungkook's mansion for some days. '
- ' So...he's not going to do so? Then how'll the medication start? '
Hoseok smirked at that
- ' In the last few days, if I understood anything, then it's Jungkook's determination. He's the most determined boy I've ever seen. Yeah it took time....Taehyung was so not ready to shift. But Jungkook managed it. After millions of requests and visits , Jungkook made him say yes after a couple of days. '
Ara smiled genuinely
- ' That's really great! I hope he'll be fine soon. When are they moving in together? '
- ' This weekend. And yeah...before I forget, Jungkook has invited all of us for a sort of housewarming party that day. '
Ara's smile just got wider
- ' Jiwoo and Somi would be jumping at the name of party! '
Hoseok also smiled along
- ' That they'll. But what about you? Not interested? '
- ' I'm not a party person....but if it's only with a small group and known people, count me in! '
- ' Then you'll be coming with us, right? Because this is exclusively a party for our group. '
Ara nodded, then smiled while looking at the bright sunlit sky
- ' It's...mesmerising how life works! Just a month ago....I didn’t know any of you other than my two friends. And now I'm a part of this group! This...this is not what I expected with my life. '
Hoseok turned his gaze towards the girl and a serene smile graced his face
- ' This is not what I expected to happen to me too. It's...really mesmerising how life works. '

Looks like someone's catching feelings for a certain someone!

What new turn will their relation take?

Keep reading to find out! 👀

Also, get ready for a partyyyyyy in the Jeon mansion with the whole group ! You're invited beautiful 💕✨

Thanks for reading 💜✨

Do leave a vote to show your excitements for the upcoming party! ❤️

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