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- ' Looks like he likes you a bit too much! This boy never sleeps in anyone else's lap other than me. '
Namjoon said with a fond smile and Seokjin ran his hand through Monie's smooth white fur who was peacefully asleep on his lap. After lunch, Namjoon's parents went to a relative's home... and Kai went on a date with Ana. So it was only he, Seokjin and Monie on the big Kim mansion.

Namjoon shooted a big grin as he laid down besides the elder. They were now sitting at Namjoon's bedroom.
- ' So.....did you like them? '
Seokjin raised one of his eyebrows
- ' Liked who? '
- ' My family..? '
Instantly a bright smile took place on Seokjin's face
- ' I loved them! They're so friendly...and so welcoming that I almost forgot that I don’t have -'
He stopped in between, rechecking his words... and the smile slowly faded away. The man went silent afterwards, looking outside from the glass window besides the bed.

- ' Jin? '
As Namjoon called his name, he looked back at him...but the younger can clearly read how his eyes were requesting him to not ask further.
- ' Hey...you don’t have to tell me anything. I'm not gonna ask you a word. But....whatever it is... I just want to tell you that sadness doesn’t suit your eyes Jin. Don’t look at me with those hurting gaze please....happiness is the only thing that matches your eyes. '
The elder didn’t say anything, but kept staring at Namjoon silently . The later didn’t bother too....  just losing himself slowly into the eyes of the elder.

They didn’t know how much time has passed  with them gazing at each-other, but finally, the elder spoke....or....more like whispered
- ' Can I tell you something Joon? Something...  that... I don’t tell others...'
The younger didn’t break the eye-contact while answering
- ' If you think I'm worthy of that....only then. I don't want you to regret your decision ever. '
A slight smile graced the elder's face
- ' I will not.... I'm sure of it. But will you be alright to make such a beautiful day full of misery and agony? This is not a... beautiful story. '
Namjoon got up and sat facing Seokjin, taking one of his hands into his own
- ' Nothing matters to me Jin...other than the fact that you've trusted me enough to share something with me. I don't care about happiness when my close ones are going through pain. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything to help you....but...sometimes, sharing can lessen the pain a bit. If nothing else, I'm a good listener. '
Seokjin carefully put down Monie on the bed before scooting closer to Namjoon and laid down his head on the younger's well-built shoulder. Again, Namjoon's heartbeats were increasing slowly, but he didn’t focus on that.
- ' Have you ever wondered...who am I? Where is my family...why do I live alone on a house so big? '
Namjoon didn’t answered. Instead, he intertwined their fingers together
- ' Why....?'
- ' Because...I..'
Taking a deep breath, he started again
- ' I don’t..have anyone. Other than Taehyung and Jimin...and till I met this group of yours... I had...no-one. '
- ' Maybe...I shouldn’t ask the next possible  question. You can tell me the answer instead. '
- ' My family right? '
As the younger slightly nodded, the elder scooted more close to him, hugging his arm slightly
- ' I don’t know who are they...I don’t know who my parents are...and...what has happened to them. '
Namjoon was kinda assuming this, but as Seokjin said it out loud, it clenched his heart a bit.
- ' All I know is...I was found on the road when I was merely an one month old. '
- ' You..what?'
As the younger looked at him with shocking eyes, Seokjin faintly smiled a broken smile
- ' Didn’t expect..right? '
It took a while for Namjoon to be normal again, but then he asked in a low voice
- ' Then....who raised you up? '
- ' The organisation that found me...gave me to an orphanage. I was there...and grew up there. '
Namjoon was about to ask about adoption but then realised the answer was quite clear, so kept his silence.
- ' And...that evening I was telling you that I don’t have anyone...you remember? '
Namjoon nodded, remembering his words from the party
- ' I told you the truth Joon. I have no family... no friends...nothing. '
- ' But..why not friends? '
- ' I...had...a bad...a very bad experience to be courageous enough to make friends again. '
Both sat in silence for a bit before Namjoon slowly caressed Jin's knuckles with his fingers
- ' You want to share that or this is enough for today? '
- ' Would you hear it? '
- ' Jin I can hear you all day and all night....  I can hear your every single stories if you want me to.'
The amount of genuineness that flowed from Namjoon's eyes stunned Jin a bit. He wasn’t telling lie....but how can he be serious? Was their relation really on that level?

- ' Hey...you alright? '
Namjoon's gentle voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and he blinked a few times
- ' Ye...yeah...just...'
- ' What? '
Seokjin searched Namjoon's eyes to see what he meant by that, but nothing but pure emotions caught his eyes
- ' You...really wanna listen? '
- ' Do I look like I'm lying? '
- ' No...but....'
- ' What? You don’t want to tell that? '
- ' Ah...no..not that. It's just.. no-one ever... asked me...like that...'
Again, Namjoon's heart hurt a bit more upon hearing this, but he maintained a straight face
- ' But I do. I can ask you in million other ways too if you want to tell me anything. '
A genuine smile touched Seokjin's eyes as he shook his head
- ' You don’t have to. So....it...happened in my middle school. I was the class president then and some of my classmates didn’t want that. One of them were the son of the Principal. I don’t know why but he never liked me a bit. And when I got selected as the class president, he was beyond angry at me. One day...he...'
Seokjin shut close his eyes and took a deep breath. Namjoon can clearly feel how much uncomfortable the man was to recall his past, and can't help but put his arms around Seokjin, pulling him into an embrace. The elder slowly layed down his head on his chest and none said anything for a while, just their breath and heartbeats were slowly synchronizing.

- ' I had a few friends back then....and I really trusted them a lot. One day, one of my friends told me to meet him in the library for some notes...and I agreed. Upon reaching the library, no-one was there. I waited for him...but he didn’t come. Then..when I was about to get out, someone pulled me from behind. But before I could even realise what was happening, I was already thrown on the ground. '
Namjoon didn’t say a single word. He just pulled the man closer if that was possible and slowly stroked his hair.
- ' It was....my friends. They - '
- ' Wait...your friends? '
- ' Yeah. The principal's boy had warned them to do this to me...otherwise....they'd be suspended.'
- ' And..? What they did? '
- ' They locked me up in the library. I was too shocked to protest.... '
- ' Foe how long? '
- ' Two days. '
Namjoon lost his calm at this point and shouted out, making the other tremble in his arms, and he realised his action immediately
- ' No I mean...sorry...I..how can they do that? Anything could've happened to you! '
- ' It did. That was weekend and that's why no-one came for two days. On next Monday, when the teachers came... I was senseless. They admitted me to the hospital and I was there for one whole week. I recovered from it physically but....it....never really left me. I'm monophobic since then. I can't stand loneliness. It haunt me....it....brings back those memories which I wanna erase forever. But I never really had anyone to take away this loneliness from me. It's always there....eating and crushing me slowly.'

A single drop of tear slipped down from his eyes slowly and Namjoon sighed, hugging him so close that they can hear each-other's beating hearts.

They're not able to say anymore. One was beyond shocked and angry to upon hearing everything....and the other was disturbed by his past again.

- ' Seokjin? '
- ' Hmm? '
- ' I....wasn’t planing to do this so soon... and definitely not like this but.... I...have to. '
- ' What are you talking about Joon? '
- ' Can...we.....I mean....if...only you're okay with it.....uh....Can we live together? '

Now that Namjoon knows what Seokjin has faced in the past, he gave a proposal to the fashion designer. But will he be ready to say yes? Will situations be on their side?

Keep reading to know more!

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