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As Seokjin opened the front door, a frown took over his face. A car was standing right infront of his house.

- ' Who on earth parked their car here in this hour of morning !? '
He muttered to himself and proceeded towards the four-wheeler, but as he was nearing it, he had a gut feeling that he knew this car.

Just when he was about to knock the the front door, it opened, and a dapper Namjoon came out in his crisp office suit.

Seokjin was astonished, by the sudden appearance of-course....but slightly because of how smart the other male looked. As if his light blue suit along with dark blue printed shirt and back brushed hair wasn’t enough, Namjoon showcased a bright smile, and the highlight will definitely be the dimples on the corner of that smile.

- ' Good morning Seokjin. '
For a second, Seokjin practically lost his words....but in a moment, he gained back his conscience, and smiled a bit awkwardly
- ' Uh..yeah...good morning. But what are you doing here so early? It's 7.30! '
Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly
- ''re supposed to go to Yoongs' house now right? '
- ' Yeah?'
- ' So I thought...uh...well...umm...I thought...why not give you a lift. I mean.. I was going to go to his house anyways, for our today's thought... uh..'
Seokjin sighed in assurance. This was the Namjoon he was habituated with... a  total blushing and fumbling mess whenever he's around Seokjin. This is why his sudden smart appearance almost swept Seokjin off his feet, almost!
- ' Well...that's soo kind of you but you totally don’t need to do this! '
- ' I...just...I thought if I'm already going to his house, why not pick you up. '
Seokjin smiled brightly
- ' That's really thoughtful Namjoon. Thanks a lot. '
Namjoon practically melted right there, if that was possible, and managed a light smile
- ' Mention not at-all. '
With the same smile plastered on his face, Seokjin got into the car and Namjoon drove off.

- ' You'll be going to office...right? '
Namjoon nodded a yes in answer and Seokjin hummed
- ' That's why you're all dressed up so early. '
Namjoon smiled a little, and again those dimples showed up. Has Seokjin mentioned he really finds it cute?!
- ' You gotta be well dressed for meeting with other CEOs. '
Seokjin widened his eyes
- ' Huh!? That are one? '
Shyly, Namjoon grinned and Seokjin didn’t even think before complimenting him
- ' Damn man! You'll make such a cute and hot CEO. '

That's all it took for Namjoon to start coughing his lungs out, and Seokjin immediately regretted complimenting him. After a few moments, he finally  breathed properly, but turned to Seokjin with wide open eyes, and for the first time in his life, Seokjin got flustered
- ' Uh...I..don’t mean it in that way! I just... I...just complimented you. That's all. '
- ' That was....pretty unusual for a compliment. '
- ' I...uh..sorry...I- '
- ' But honestly...maybe I'll cough a bit more and probably will ruin my lungs... but.. I....really...thank you. This is the first time someone complimented me in my office wear. '
Though he was himself fumbling and blushing furiously, Namjoon still managed to handle the situation pretty well...and once again, Seokjin whispered under his breath, which caught Namjoon's ears
- ' Well if this is the first time...then noone has eyes in your company. '
This actually made him smile a little, and Seokjin smiled along
- ' What!? Like seriously?! How the hell no-one ever complimented you in these business suits! You look so striking and dignified. I thought you're already having a few office affairs! '
This is when Namjoon bursted out in laughing, grinning from ear-to-ear
- ' Oh god! First, I'm not only the CEO... I'm the're probably terrified of me. And second, I don’t know what impression I've made, but I'm totally not the heartbreaker bad-boy type who dates with different people every now and then. '
Seokjin nodded
- ' So first, you're not only're REALLY rich. And for second, don’t worry...I was just kidding. A boy so cute like you could never be that type...I know. '

Seokjin flashed another smile and looked outside the window, but little did he know that his words...his compliments... his laughter ...the scent of his cologne... his undeniable beauty...his entire presence was doing unfamiliar things to Namjoon's mind. Something the CEO was not accustomed with...and something he was starting to like bit by bit.


So....guess what's melting?

It's our Joonie's heart, duh!

But what is the destination of this little harmless crush?

Keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading 💜✨

Leave a vote to convince Namjoon that he indeed looks hella hot and damn cute in those suits and dimples!

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