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- ' Jin....slow down...slow down....he - '
- ' You shut up Joon. Do you even know how much tensed I was for him! '
Namjoon sighed and nodded as Seokjin went back to his shouting
- ' Hyung....hyung I told you sorry for a million times and - '
- ' Shut up and listen. Why on earth you decided to run away!? That was totally uncalled for. And you Jungkook....why you agreed to do this!? Both of you, have you lost your minds!? '

The painter and the actor exchanged glances, but remained silent. After their whole weekend together, they finally came back to Seoul on Sunday evening, and that was the end of the world. No....not technically...but all of their elders, as well as youngers were mad at them for this sudden disappearance though they've called them one day ago. Now, the whole group was in the living room of Jeon mansion, and two criminals were sitting there with their head hung low and all of their elders were giving them a good lesson.

- ' I can't defend you anymore Tae. What you did is extreme! We were soo worried, police were searching every bit of the city...media was gossiping...your fans were panicking...and you?! You two were enjoying weekend!? What was the problem to inform us? '
Jimin said, frustratingly shaking his head and Taehyung said in a low voice
- ' We didn't mean to create such chaos... It was...suddenly planned. If we knew, then we could have told- '
- ' Why you didn't tell when you planned!? Only one call could have ended all the problems oppa! '
Somi said, tears still glistening in her eyes. For the last few days, the only thing she did was to try a thousand million ways to contact her brother - but no luck. The girl was too much panicked and worried to say the least.

Finally, when everyone stopped for a sec, Namjoon got up and went towards the young duo who caused this all fuss. They were too much ashamed to even look up at him, so he crouched down infront of them.
- ' You guys do understand what and how much problem you've created...right? '
Both of the youngers were looking down at the floor, and nodded slowly.
- ' Look up.... The floor isn't speaking to you. '
After a moment, Taehyung hesitantly looked up, but Jungkook's eyes were still fixed on the floor. The CEO sighed and took both of the painter's hands into his own and said in a much softer tone this time
- ' Kookah....look at me? '

That worked finally, and Jungkook did looked up , eyes still filled with guilt
- ' I...we...didn't really wanted to hurt you all. This is not even hyungie's fault.... I was the one who suggested to go out for this weekend - '
- ' And I was the one who suggested to go missing. Nope... It's all my deeds. He was....he was just helping....please everyone...don't say anything to Koo. I'm the elder... . I should have behaved more maturely. '

There was a pin drop silence all over the room for a moment before Ana sighed
- ' So....it's a mutual fault I guess. Now the real question is, what made you run away from everything and everyone? And why only you two? I mean, you could have been on a solo trip right? '

Now that's really what the whole group was thinking but no-one asked it till then...and when Ana did, the first thing that the room witnessed was a light blush creeping on Taehyung's cheeks and Jungkook fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

That's all it took for Ana to know what may has happened in the past few days.

- ' So....mind sharing the details or you're still figuring it out? '
As the lady asked the highly anticipated question, all of the eyes fell on the flustered duo who seemed to have started panicking by then.
- ' I..uh....well.... I mean... '
Taehyung was shuttering badly, earning some chuckles and laughter from others ....and this is when Jungkook decided to take the lead and spill the beans .
- ' He means....we...realized some of our tangled up feelings..and....situations took some unexpected turns. '
- ' And how much unexpected the turns were Jeon, may I ask? '
Namjoon asked with an amused smirk plastered on his face, making Jungkook chuckle
- ' Don't look at me like that hyung! '
The whole room laughed at the comment and Namjoon shook his head
- ' Now will you tell or not? '
Jungkook's eyes flickered to the man besides him, who's eyes we're fixed at his hands that Jungkook finds immensely beautiful. Taehyung was nervous....Jungkook could tell that. The painter slightly scooted near the actor, placing one of his hands on Taehyung's slightly shaking and sweating hands and whispered to the man
- ' They're our close ones ....like our family. We can tell them...right? '
Taehyung slowly looked up....and when his eyes met the painter's, he found only determination and assurance in those ocean eyes....the same assurance that always calms the storm inside Taehyung's mind.

- ' Are....you sure? You don't have to- '
- ' I don't have to.... I know. But hyungie... I want to! Maybe love is a deeper feeling..but what I have for you is nothing less . It's not about telling them...it's about accepting our own hearts. I know what I'm doing...and I can't be anymore sure about it. Now it's up to you. You decide what you want...no pressure....no expectations. Whatever you'll do, I'll gladly accept it. So...just be you...and choose your heart . '

They were glancing at each other as time was slowly but surely escaping....and others heard what they wanted. In between of their conversations, both Jungkook and Taehyung forgot to whisper and raised their voices, making every words clearly audible to everyone.

- ' Should we leave them alone ? '
Somi whispered to Ana after a while of silence, and before she could answer, it was Taehyung who spoke first
- ' Guys...we have something to tell you. '
- ' Go on Tae...we're listening. '
Yoongi said in a calm voice, and after taking a long breath, Taehyung looked up straight at the crowd
- 'This is not official or something...but....we... means me and Jungkook are somehow catching feelings for each other. That's what we realized in this weekend. '
- 'And we are SOOOO HAPPY FOR THAT! '
Somi said before almost jumping on the sitting duo, wrapping her hands around their necks
- ' I always knew it ! Like...do you even know just how big crush this grumpy boy had on you since the first day oppa! '
Somi said with a giggle, making Jungkook totally flustered and Taehyung couldn't help but laugh. Everyone else joined him....and soon the room was filled with ringing laughter and joy .

- "God...he's so brilliantly, breathtakingly beautiful!"

That's all Jungkook thought when he glanced at the laughing man besides him....this laughter ringing in his mind contagiously.

The duo is back, and looks like they've made their minds - love is in the air!

Now who else will be affected with this lovely air? 👀

Keep reading to find out!

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