Chapter 7 - An Impromptu Confession

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I woke up slowly on Monday, feeling a grin pulling over my face as I remembered the fun of the night before. Even though I ended the night extremely frustrated, I had a complete blast. When I opened my eyes, I blinked in confusion as I realized the light flooding my room was a little too bright. Rolling over with a groan, I flailed around a bit until I contacted my phone and could tip it up to see the screen. It read 7:45 a.m.

I bolted out of bed. "Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit."

In what had to be a complete record, I changed, brush my hair and teeth, and got out of the apartment in eight minutes flat. Unfortunately, considering the time, I would practically have to run to work to make sure I was there on time. Which meant no coffee. I had no idea how this happened. I never slept through my alarm. But apparently today I had.

As I rushed out of the lobby door, I ran headlong into what felt like a brick wall. I stumbled back, landing hard on my ass. I swore loudly and vehemently again. Blowing the hair off my face, I looked up at the wall I ran into. Loki, in his normal form, was standing there smirking down at me.

"Where are you headed in such a rush, pet?" He held his hand out to help me up. I considered slapping it away, but figured that would make me look really petty. Instead, I gripped his forearm and let him pull me to my feet.

I looked up into his emerald green eyes, getting lost for a moment in them, before I shook my head and took a step back. He let go of my arm as I did. Looking down, I tugged my clothes back to rights before I looked back into Loki's face.

"Work. For which I am going to be late if I don't leave now, so I don't have time for you right now."

I rushed away again. From the corner of my eye, I saw Loki was easily keeping pace. I stopped again. "Look, I seriously don't have time for this. I don't even have time to stop at the cafe and get coffee, which I desperately need. So, please just go away."

"Where do you usually have coffee?"

I huffed and started walking again, begrudgingly answering, "Snack and Caffeinate. But it doesn't matter because I'm late."

Suddenly, I felt Loki's hand on my arm. When I glared at him and yanked away, there was a swirling of green light surrounding me and then we were standing outside of the cafe. I blinked in surprise and when I looked back at Loki, he nodded towards the door, "Go on, get what you want. I'll teleport you to your work and you won't be late."

"Um. You don't have to do that."

He lifted a single elegant black brow. "I don't, no, but I want to. Go on."

He crossed his arms and waited, ignoring the occasional stares that people passing by threw in his direction. For a moment longer I hesitated, but eventually my deep need for caffeine overrode my desire to avoid Loki and I ducked into the cafe. Five minutes later, I was back out onto the sidewalk, and Loki was still there. I walked up to him and he looked down at me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded, and he reached out and lightly took my arm again. The green mist swirled around us and a blink later, we were standing outside of the library. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 8:20, only five minutes past the time that I normally would arrive. I turned to face Loki.

"Thanks. Um. I appreciate it."

He lifted a shoulder. "It was nothing."

I continued to stand there with him. He reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear before he brushed his fingers across my cheek. His eyes flicked between mine as he brushed a thumb across my bottom lip. I held my breath, waiting to see if he was going to kiss me or something. To my surprise and disappointment, he just smiled before he took a step back and disappeared in a swirl of green magic.

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