Chapter 9 - Master of Chaos.

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Throughout the day I found my thoughts wandering back to the last couple of days. Scott still didn't realize that I knew he was part of the Avengers. But apparently they had become aware of me, above and beyond Loki. So, far there had been the mystery man in the air vents who had been spying on me. Then the totally "random" run in with the Black Widow, I could tell she was trying to pry information out about me but I understood it. Plus I liked her, which is why I had no problem giving her my number when she asked.

And then there was this morning when we ran into The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Scott wasn't aware of the former two situations, well three if you counted Loki, but seeing as Scott was there when the pair surprised us in the café he knew about that. And judging by his reaction, he was none too happy about it. I immediately liked both men, even though we had had such a short interaction.

I was wondering who else on Scott's team I'd be coming into contact with. Technically, I wasn't one hundred percent the man in the vent was part of the team, but it seemed like a good guess. I could tell that Scott was concerned about the meeting from this morning. He was texting more frequently than he usually did when he was in town.

Scott: You wanna grab a burger or something tonight?

Lexi: Another not-date?

Scott: If you need to label it.

Lexi: Burger or something sounds great. Just let me know when your done with work

Scott: Yep.

There was a light drizzle when I left work. I was a bit put out by it because there was nothing on the forecast about it, so I had no umbrella. At least it wasn't a cold rain. As I walked home I sensed the mind of the person who had been in the vents brush against mine. I paused on the sidewalk, turning as if I was looking at a window display of some store I always walked past. Using the reflection of the window, I examine the people walking and lingering nearby. It was several minutes before I found him.

A study build and dirty blond hair. He was wearing a cut off style hoodie, leaving his arms mostly bare and black tactical pants. He was carrying an interesting bag slung across his shoulders. At the moment, he was lingering just on the edge of my reflected sight line, appearing to be absorbed in his phone. However, I recognized the body language of someone who was pretending to do one thing while they were actually watching someone. He was good looking from what I could tell of his reflection.

Curious, I turned away and continued walking. I left my mind open and I sensed when he casually started following me again. Perhaps I should be afraid, but instead I was just curious. I knew how to handle myself from most threats. Maybe my self defense wasn't that great but what I lacked in physical skills, I made up for in mental ones. Two blocks from home I sensed as he turned away from his task of following me and melted away in the crowd.

Shrugging, I let myself into the apartment building and headed up. I was humming by the time I opened my door and entered my apartment, my mind now on hoping that Scott would be texting soon so we could go grab supper. Which is probably why I missed sensing the person standing in my living room.

"You know, the security on this place sucks."

I yelped in surprise and stared at the man currently making himself at home on my saggy ass couch.

"What are you doing in my house?"

The man stood up and walked around the couch towards me, hand extended, "Hello Lexi, I'm–"

"Tony Stark. I'm aware. That isn't what I asked."

He held his hands up in a gesture of peace, "Relax, I'm just here to talk."

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