Chapter 59 - Code Green

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As September started to bleed into October there was another mission several of them were called on. Scott, Peter, Wanda, Sam and Vision all ended up being left behind. It wasn't supposed to take too long, so none of us were really worried.

Wednesday night found the seven of us in the game room playing a very competitive game of Smash Bros. Or rather it saw me, Scott, Sam and Peter in heavy competition as both Wanda and Vision watched on in bemusement.

"Is it normal to get this worked up over a video game?" Vision asked as I leapt up after getting knocked off the ring by Sam.

"Ah, suck it fly boy! Can't help it Vision, there is something super serious at stake here." I said.

Sam groaned as I managed to knock him off in revenge and Vision said, "Really? What is at stake?"

I pointed to Scott's head, where the cheesy crown he got from our first date was sitting at a jaunty angle.

"I don't understand. How is a toy crown super serious?"

Hopping back to my feet I did a little booty dance while I shouted, "Ha!" as the round ended and I came out on top. Then I turned my attention to Vision.

"You see Vision, these fools all think they are supreme video game player. And the fact is, that title rightfully belongs to me. We play for the crown. And for glory!"

I focused back on the game as the next round started hearing as Wanda said, "Just let them be Vis. I don't think you are going to understand it."

Thirty minutes of intense game play and shit talking later and I was jumping up again and skipping over to Scott to claim my prize.

"Ha! Suck it all y'all. I told you your queen would reign supreme. Hand it over big boy."

I held my hand out and Scott used it to tug me closer and between his knees as he said, "Why dontcha take it."

I grinned, snatching it from his head and perching it on mine before I leaned down to give him a long and hard kiss.

"Well, I guess as start to a consolation prize that works." He said to me when I pulled back.

From across the couch Sam said, "Hey, where's my consolation prize?"

Laughing I skipped over and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"Awwww, how come Scott got a better kiss?"

Laughing I flopped back down on the couch, "Because Scott finished in last place and needed lots of consolation."

Scott scoffed, "I had a thumb injury that prevented me from playing to my highest ability. When it heals we will have a rematch and I'll win that time."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, please, whatever."

Sam leaned back with his arms draped along the back of the couch, "Next time we should play my game. I'll definitely win then."

"What is your game?" Peter asked seriously.

With a wicked grin Sam winked and said, "Strip poker."

As Peter spluttered and turned red the rest of us laughed before I said, "Is there even any actual losers in that game?"

With another wicked grin on his face Sam said, "Not if you play it right."

Scott was leaning over to suggest we end the night and he get to see me in nothing but the crown when the game room door burst open and both Clint and Nat rushed in.

"Woah. Where's the fire guys?" Sam asked.

Nat shook her head hard, "Lexi we need you now."

I stood slowly, "Wait what? What happened?"

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