Chapter 19 - Inopprotune Arrival

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Sam had originally planned to go on his own run after dropping Lexi off, but instead he was heading back to the tower and updating the team about what he had learned. And also the fact that apparently Zemo had broken out of prison and no one had felt it necessary to inform them. After learning what he had about Lexi today left him feeling angry and like he wanted to hit something. Which was something he wasn't used to, he was one of the most level-headed of the group.

And if he wanted to hit things after learning what he did, he was a little concerned how some of the more hot-headed members of the group would react. He wished he didn't have to risk it and could keep this to himself, but he couldn't. This was too important. At the very least he needed to tell the four who were most connected to her.

In the elevator, he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to contact Pietro, Clint, Loki and Scott and ask them to meet him in one of the smaller conference rooms in two hours. He knew that Scott had his daughter visiting and therefore would need some time to be able to get here. In the meantime he was going to go take some frustration out on something in the training room.

"What did that bag ever do to you?"

Sam didn't bother looking up at the voice and just said in response, "That is rich coming from a man who makes it his mission to destroy at least one bag every other day."

Steve walked up behind the bag to steady it as Sam continued to attack it. After a moment he asked again, "Seriously, what's up? You usually don't do this kind of thing."

Sam stopped hitting the bag, walking away and unwrapping his hands before he collapsed on a bench. Steve walked over to join him, handing him over a bottle of water and then just waiting to hear what was bothering him.

"So, you know how I took Lexi home?" Sam began,


"Well there was someone in her apartment." Steve straightened. Sam held up a hand to forestall him jumping feet first into Cap-mode, "Just wait, it's not what you think. It was Zemo–"

Steve's eyebrows disappeared up his forehead, "That's worse."

"That's not important right now. What is important is what I learned about her because he was there. They know each other. Apparently he's the reason she has the identity that she uses now. But it's worse."

Sam quickly summarized what Lexi had revealed about her past. Steve's face darkened the longer Sam went on.


Even through his anger and bad mood, Sam's amusement leaked through and he couldn't help himself from saying, "Language, Cap."

Steve ignored it, asking, "So, what are we going to do about this?"

Sam shook his head, "The only thing I plan to do at this point is get together with those four and let them know what I learned. They deserve to know and I don't want her to have to tell that story again so soon after having spilled it to me."

"And what about Zemo?"

"I don't know man, right now I don't want to deal with him. Shit, I don't even know how to talk to Bucky about that. And it's not like I can just pretend that I don't know that Zemo is not only out of prison but that is also currently in the city."

The pair stood, and Steve said, "How about I talk to Bucky. You need a shower before you go talk with those four."

Sam nodded and headed to the showers.


Pausing in the pacing I was currently doing I turned towards Zemo, "How can you even know all of this already? I barely even knew all this and I'm the one who's experiencing it."

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