Chapter 52 - In the Lab

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I woke to the soft swaying of the bed and a low sound. Opening my eyes I blinked a little in the hazy light filtering in the room, sometime during the night I had flipped over and curled into Loki's side instead of Clint's. The bed swayed again and I focused on the fact that Loki and Clint were kissing.

I hummed happily, "Well, that's hot."

Rough fingers pinched my ass and I squirmed away and forward into Loki's hips as they broke apart and looked down at me. I snuggled my head against Loki's chest as I said, "Good morning sexies."

Loki's hand stroked along my hip as he said, "Darling."

"I think someone said something about breaking in more rooms today?" I put in.

I felt Clint's chuckle as he said, "And they call me the insatiable one."

I leaned back so that I could get a look at Clint's face, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Sure. Totally believable."

F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice filled the room, "Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson are at the door."


"You are late for your morning run." was the response.

"Ugh! I don't wanna!" I managed to flop on to my stomach between Loki and Clint and yanked a pillow over my head.

Rough fingers pinched my ass, "Nu-uh, up you get kitten. Training is important. And it's a day off for you so it's not like we don't have plenty of time for naked exercise later."

My snort was muffled by the pillow but I didn't move. I felt as one of them left the bed, causing it to rock and I was debating just going back to sleep when Clint's voice sounded again, "If you don't get up, I'm going to let them in and they can drag you out themselves."

I yanked the pillow off my head and pushed to glare at him, "How come you get to be the only non-morning person here?"

"I'm the oldest."

I rolled off the bed, "Loki is definitely older than you."

"By human standards." Loki said as he strolled back into my room, wearing pants and an unbuttoned shirt. I paused in the act of pulling on a pair of leggings.

"What do you mean by human standards?" I asked curiously.

"Asgardians live significantly longer than humans. So, by your standards, I'm ancient. But by Asgardian standards I'm quite young. Would be comparable to your early twenties."

"Huh. That's interesting."

Loki hummed lightly as he brushed his lips across mine after I pulled a shirt over my head. I headed out of the room to meet with the two men waiting at the door as I heard a dull clunk and Clint swear.

"How do you like the place?" Sam asked as we started out.

"What I've seen so far, yes."

"You mean you haven't seen the whole place yet?"

I rolled my eyes as I kept pace with Sam, Bucky had already pulled ahead, his stride lengthening automatically as he gave his mind over to the run and he forgot to hold himself back to stay with Sam and me. This was a common occurrence with both the super soldiers.

"Well, I wasn't going to go poking in Scott and Pietro's rooms until they invite me in. That would be rude."

"I would have been too curious." Sam put in.

"Good thing you don't live with them then."

"Not sure I could handle balancing four men at once. Especially considering how different each of them seem to be."

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