Chapter 32 - Unpleasant Surprise

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A buzzing tone pulled me roughly out of sleep. I pressed my face into the pillow and groaned loudly, "Why?"

F.R.I.D.A.Y responded, "My apologies, Ms. Lexi, but you requested that I wake you today. You have plans and if you want to make them you need get up now."

I groaned again and pulled a pillow over my head, mumbling into the pillow, "Donwanna."

"Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers are currently on the main common floor making breakfast. You should eat something and drink water to rehydrate after your alcohol consumption last night."

I groaned for a third time but then pushed up to sitting. Clint was laying flat on his stomach, spread out like a naked starfish over the bed. When I poked his shoulder he didn't make a sound or move. Shrugging, I stood up and shuffled to the bathroom to pee and brush the nasty taste out of my mouth. I was hungover but at least it wasn't the kind where I was going to need to stay by a trash can or a toilet.

Shuffling back into the bedroom I slipped on my underwear, and then because it was there, stuck my arms through the blue button up dress shirt that Clint was wearing last night. I poked at Clint again, but he was still dead to the world. I rolled my eyes, and then immediately regretted it as it sent a spike of pain through my head. I padded barefoot out of Clint's apartment and leaned against the wall of the elevator as it took me to the common floor.

I smiled a little as I remembered how Clint had shoved me up against that very same wall as they stumbled back to his apartment in the wee hours of the morning after the party finally broke up. We were both giggly, handsy, and stumbling and supporting each other as we made our way back. He had rutted against me, mouth hot on mine as the elevator moved swiftly to the floor he and Nat lived on. I had already gotten his shirt unbuttoned as we stumbled into his apartment. When he got a full view of what I had been wearing under my dress Clint had gotten very excited. He took me right there in his living room, bent over the back of his couch. Eventually we got to the bedroom.

The doors opened on the common floor and my sense were overwhelmed for a moment as the smells of bacon and coffee hit my nose. I shuffled out and over to the kitchen, grunting a greeting to the two super soldiers as I made my way to the coffee pot. Cup in hand I went back over to the table and took a seat across from Steve. Who was buried behind a newspaper.

"You know print is dead?"

Steve looked at me over the top of his paper, "No, it's not sweetie. As you can see, I have it right here."

F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice announced, "Ms. Lexi, you need to drink water and replenish your electrolytes. You are dehydrated."

I snarled at the A.I., "I don't need you mothering me."

Steve glanced at me over his paper again but wisely chose not to say something. The blender suddenly whirred and I winced as the sound sent a spike of pain through my head. Then Bucky came over with something in a glass and set it in front of me. I glared at it suspiciously and Bucky said, "Just drink it. It will help. I swear."


Bucky lifted and eyebrow, "It's better if you don't know, go on drink it, it doesn't taste too bad."

He was wrong, it tasted pretty bad. But I drank it, draining the glass and shoving it away before pulling my coffee cup back to me. As I sipped at it, Bucky brought over a plate of food and set it in front of me before he set one in front of Steve and went back for his own. As he took the spot next to Steve he looked at me and said, "Eat it. It will also help."

I scowled but took the first bite. The warm food hit my raw stomach and when it didn't immediately revolt I continued eating. When I was finished I looked up at the two men sitting across from me.

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