Chapter 24 - Mission Success

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I was humming to myself in the shower after sparring with Nat. I marveled at the fact that even though this was a shower that was essentially attached to a gym, it was sumptuous. Rather than what you'd expect of a locker room—an open floor shower with multiple shower heads, separated from the lockers by a low wall and an area with toilets in another area—the place was separated into several large and elaborate bathroom stalls. Each stall consisted of a large shower, complete with multiple jets, a long vanity, sink and toilet. They were each walked off into sections with privacy guarded glass doors so you could tell if a stall was occupied but not any actual details.

The session with Nat had been intense. At first, almost without realizing it, I connected to her thoughts. Using that to evade her efficiently. She figured out what was happening eventually, and when she did she called a halt. She explained that she understood that I had these powers of mine and that they would be useful. However, if I wanted to learn properly, I needed to not use them. So, I agreed and I pulled my mind behind a block so that I couldn't depend on reading hers. The rest of the sparring was intense. It was fun too. I had even managed to score a take down at the very end. Though I could admit to myself that perhaps she had let me win on purpose.

I was not unreasonably out of shape. I might not be completely obsessive and constant in exercising but I went from runs and I did yoga fairly regularly. After an hour of sparring though I was beat. I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow. I had a feeling what I was feeling now wasn't even going to be close to what I was going to feel once the training actually started.

I was standing under the water, letting it cascade and beat over me when I heard the door from the training room open and shut. I kept my eyes closed and my head tilted back, figuring it was probably Nat. My mental block was still in place which is why when the male voice spoke from right outside my stall I yelped in surprise.

"You did better than I thought you would."

I slapped a hand over my heart as I attempted to get my pulse back under control and I managed to squeak out, "Clint? What the fuck are you doing!"

I heard his low laugh before he hummed, "I was just stopping by to say good job."

I stuck my head around the curtain in the shower and could see the dark outline of a figure leaning against the stall door. "What were you spying on me again?"

"Observing you to see how you did." He corrected.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my head back into the shower, "Since I didn't see you I assume you were spying from the ceiling or something."


"Of course." I muttered to myself.

Clint went silent and I thought perhaps he had left so I went back to my shower. Twenty minutes later, wrapped in a towel I stepped out of the stall to go to the locker where Nat told me to stow the clothes I wore to work.

I yelped again when I spotted Clint casually leaning against the locker with his ankles crossed, "Holy cheese-it Clint are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

I instinctively clutched the towel I had wrapped around me tighter. Then I got a better look at Clint's face. His eyes had darkened significantly and it was several seconds before I realized that it was because his pupils were dilated and were swallowing his deep blue irises.

I swallowed thickly and attempted to say something, only to find the words catching in my throat. His head tilted curiously as he continued to stare at me. I yanked my eyes away from his and looked up at the ceiling.

I cleared my throat again and managed to say, "You are uh, blocking my locker. I'd like to change."

I almost expected him to argue or something, instead he just pushed off the locker. He stopped by where I was standing, eyes flicking between mine before he walked out of the locker room. I exhaled the breath I hadn't known I was holding until he left the lockers. I dressed quickly. Pulling the slacks and blouse I had worn to work back on over my clean underwear. Then I grabbed my small duffel bag, dumped the towel in a hamper and pushed through the door. I headed to the elevators, Nat had told me that there was going to be pizza and drinks on the main common floor and that I should join.

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