Chapter 63 - Eye of the Media

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"Oh c'mon , you guys are definitely cheating." Clint declared as he squinted at the Scrabble board and the word I had just played off of one of Scott's which netted me a total of 113 points.

Pietro, who was stretched out on the couch behind me where I was sitting, laughed, "I'm pretty sure we told you that playing against these three would end up with you coming out way on the bottom."

Clint, Scott, Peter and I were currently playing a very intense game of Scrabble in the common living room as Pietro, Wanda, Sam and Bucky watched on. Clint squinted suspiciously at me, "How are you doing it?"

Smiling sweetly as I leaned towards him, I batted my eyelashes at him and said, "Babe, it's not my fault that you suck at finding words."

He gasped dramatically, "How dare you. You're cheating!"

"How exactly would you even cheat at Scrabble in the first place?" Bucky asked, amused. I was pretty sure that the four watching us play were doing it specifically to hear the shit talking.

Clint turned towards where Bucky was sitting, his arms spread wide, "I don't know man, I just know she's cheating. Her and Scott are probably both cheating."

"Wait, why are only me and Lexi cheating? What about him?" Scott pointed at Peter.

Rolling his eyes, Clint said, "There is no way that Peter could cheat. His face would give him away immediately. He is terrible at lying."

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed, "I mean, true. But–Hey!"

Everyone laughed. I grabbed tiles to replace the ones I used and then looked innocently at Clint, "Your turn babe."

Clint grunted as he looked between his tiles and the board. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at the look of intense concentration that filled his face as he grumbled to himself. Several long minutes passed and Scott said, "You planning on playing a word anytime soon?"

He looked up with a scowl, "Don't rush me! "

I had to stuff my knuckles into my mouth to keep from laughing, but when Clint glared at me I couldn't hold it in anymore and I broke down completely. Laughing so hard I tipped over, which just made me laugh even more. Clint started to grumble again as he turned his attention back to the board, leaving me to my mirth.

"What is going on?" I heard someone asking. Pushing back up to sitting I saw Steve and Tony standing behind the couch and surveying the group of us gathered.

Bucky smiled at Steve, "We are watching as Clint get's his ass handed to him by these three."

"Only because they are cheating! "

"Dude, just accept that you might be the best marksman in the world, but when it comes to Scrabble, you just suck." Scott teased.

I lifted the hem of my shirt to wipe the tears that gathered at the corners of my eyes before I sighed loudly, "Oh, god, my sides hurt from laughing that hard."

Clint sniffed, "I'm so glad you find it amusing."

Moving over to where he was sitting, grinning when he turned his tile tray away, I kissed him briefly before patting his cheek, "Don't worry babe, you are good at other things."

He huffed and rolled his eyes, looking back at the two who had come in and asking, "So, have you guys come to make fun of me too?"

Tony opened his mouth but Steve spoke over him, "No, I need everyone in the conference room, there's an Avenger's publicity event coming up that we need to discuss."

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