Chapter 48 - Morning After

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The rest of the team on the mission returned in the early hours of Sunday morning. Everyone had filtered out of the elevator until it was just Sam and Tony and the doors were opening on Sam's floor when F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, "Mr. Wilson, I've been asked to inform you that Ms. Bennet is currently in your residence when Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes."

Sam's eyebrows quirked up in amusement as Tony's head jerked up from his phone and he said, "Wait. What? Are you telling me she hooked up with those two!"

Sam started to leave the elevator and Tony called out again, "Hey! Are you going to hook up with her too?"

Ignoring the question Sam called over his shoulder, "Good night, Tony."

He shook his head as he caught the "No Fair." Tony tossed out as the doors shut. Entering the apartment Sam dropped his go bag on the floor and wandered back to the shared bedroom. Taking in the site on the bed for a moment. Steve was on his side, one of his arms wrapped around Lexi's waist where she was sprawled out in her stomach when her face turned towards Bucky and her arm thrown over his waist. Bucky was on his back, one arm thrown over good face as the other hand rested on Lexi's arm.

Sam shook his head and hoped they had a good time, then he moved into the bathroom to get ready for bed before he slid in on Bucky's other side, curling against him and resting a hand in his chest.

Bucky surfaced just long enough to feel as Lexi shifted closer to him, one of her legs wrapping over and tucking under his as she tucked her head into shoulder and her arm curled around his waist. He felt Steve shifting closer too and became aware of Sam's scent and the feel of his body on his other side before he dropped back into sleep.


My first conscious thought was that I was currently in the middle of the Earth's core, surrounded by molten lava.

I could feel Steve pressed into my back, his arm wrapped around me and his hand cupping a breast while his leg was pushed between mine. I had one of my legs wrapped around Bucky's and was currently pressed into his side, from their even breathing I guessed they were still asleep. I grumbled, "Jesus you guys are like a gazillion degrees."

"That's why I never sleep between them unless the room is set at subzero temps," came a sleepy reply.

My eyes blinked open and I lifted my head off Bucky's chest and met the sleepy eyes of Sam.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi. When did you get back?"

His smiled flashed before he yawned and said, "About an hour and a half ago, it's still early. Too early. Going back to sleep now."

His head dropped back to the pillow and his eyes closed as I rested my head on Bucky's chest again. I felt as the air conditioner kicked on, and cool air started to circulate, quickly cooling me off so that being pressed between two superheated bodies actually felt good. I dozed off again.

The next time I woke, it was to the feel of a thumb lazily circling one of my nipples, lips on the back of my neck, and a knee pressing up against my center. As I shifted, I felt the hard length pressed against my ass.

Steve's voice was rough, "Mm, you awake now babydoll?"

I grunted lightly in response as my eyes fluttered as his hand left my breast and slid down my stomach to cup against me.

"Stevie, leave her be, we basically broke her last night."

"Awww, and I missed it?" Sam's voice was cheerful despite the words.

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