Chapter 10 - Turning Point

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Five days after Tony Stark showed up in my apartment and basically blew the delicate balance of my life into smithereens, I was standing outside Scott's door having an internal debate with myself. I had pulled away from him after the confrontation in my apartment following Tony's departure. It wasn't an argument exactly, but I had been forced to tell Scott more than I ever intended to tell him. I had to tell him that five years ago I had bought an entirely new identity and that I had certain powers and the powers were why Tony had broken in. Of course, I didn't go into great detail about why I created a new identity for myself, but I gave just enough for a man as clever as Scott was to get the gist. I knew I would have to come clean eventually. Not only to him but also with Loki. I just wasn't ready yet.

And while it wasn't exactly an argument it left me feeling edgy and itching to run far, far, far, away. To hide and escape. Which was impossible. One, because as I had thought of before trying to run from a team full of genius superheroes and spies would be impossible. And more importantly, the bond that had formed between me and both Scott and Loki prevented me from being able to fulfill the desire to leave. The very idea of forcing myself to be apart from the two soulmates I had fully bonded with left me feeling physically ill.

So, I pulled back and pushed them away. Mostly because I was struggling to deal with the overwhelming and contradictory emotions flowing through me. But also because I was angry. Not at them. Not even at Tony. I was angry at whatever cosmic forces decided to curse people with soulmates. To force people to develop bonds with others completely and totally out of their control.

I called into work and lied about having a family emergency and then I packed a bag and found a cheap-ass no-tell motel and burrowed in while I dealt with myself. I shut off my phone, ignored all social media, and ignored emails. I exclusively used cash so that any transactions I made couldn't be tracked. I was certain any of them could have tracked me down if they wanted to easily, but they didn't. Or at least if they did they kept their distance.

I gave myself five days and the five days were over. For the umpteeth time I lifted my hand and attempted to knock on Scott's door. Again, I found myself hesitating before actually connecting fist to the wood. Scolding myself I lifted my hand again, but before I could knock I heard from behind me, "Lexi?"

I faced Scott, who had come up the stairs and was now standing, shifting from foot-to-foot as his eyes darted between me and his door.

"Scott," I said simply.

Scott tucked his hands into his pockets, "Uh, whatcha doing?"

I swallowed thickly, casting around for the words that I had rehearsed in my head that had disappeared the moment that I heard his voice.

"Um. I was wondering if we could talk?"

Scott didn't say anything, he just stepped around me and opened the door to his place. Holding it open in an invitation for me to follow. I did, and for the first time since I first met the man I got a look inside his apartment. As he shut the door quietly behind me, I let my eyes roam the room. I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting but it wasn't what I saw.

Scott's place was packed. It wasn't hoarder packed or messy. In fact it was exceptionally neat. He had a drum set and guitar set up in one corner of the living room next to two large book shelves stacked with what looked like everything from electrical manuals to The Fault in Our Stars. The wall that held the windows was packed with plants. There was a decent sized entertainment center, and along with the tv, music dock, and PlayStation I spied what I thought might be a karaoke machine. The most surprising thing in the living room was what looked like a complicated art piece.

When I walked over to examine it I found that it wasn't an art piece. It was a series of ant farms.

I looked with some surprise towards Scott, who was currently leaning against his door and watching as I examined his place, "Ants?"

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