Chapter 40 - Better

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I woke up enveloped in heat. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a pair of dog tags. Last night, I had burrowed into Bucky and passed out again and apparently I had stayed that way the rest of the night. I tapped a hand on his side, "Hey Bucky?"

He shifted, rolling over and taking me with him. I squeaked, the move surprising me. I tapped him again, "Hey! Wake up."

His blue eyes flashed open and he focused on my face, blinking a little before he let me go, "Sorry."

I laughed as I sat up and pushed my hair out of my face, "It's fine. But how come I didn't basically melt with your heat this time?"

He looked at me confused. Then he realized what I was talking about, "Oh, well, I turned the air conditioner up last night when I realized you were sleeping next to me."

I tilted my head to the side as I considered him, then I shook my head and rolled off the bed, heading to the bathroom for another shower so I could wash away the nightmare. As I scrubbed my fingers through my hair, I heard a soft knock on the door.


Bucky's voice came through the door, "You want me to order breakfast or would you rather go out for it?"

"Whatever you want to do, Buck."

I rinsed my hair out, letting the water run over me as I closed my eyes and lifted my face to the spray. It wasn't nearly as nice of a shower as the ones that could be found in the tower. But it was steps above what my apartment had. There was a lot of amenities that the tower had that I liked a lot, and if I admitted it to myself that I had started to depend on and miss when it wasn't there.

My thoughts wandered from the state of the shower to Bucky last night. To his admission about how he wanted to kiss me. I'd picked up on it of course, but him admitting it openly was something else. Twisting the water off, I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel and realized I left my clothes outside the bathroom again.

I opened the door and padded out to the bags and dug through them quickly to find the clothes before I darted back into the bathroom. Pulling on the jeans and the long sleeve shirt and then running the comb I got through my hair as I came back out.

Bucky was pulling a shirt over his head and he looked me over before he said, "You ready to head back?"

"What if I said no?" I asked him.

Bucky walked to where he set his phone and wallet down, "Then we won't go back yet.

"Just like that?"

His lips quirked, "Just like that doll. It's your road trip after all. So what do you want to do today?"

I went over places we had passed on the way here in my head, then I just shrugged, "If it's a road trip, let's just go where the road takes us?"

Bucky nodded, "Sounds good. But you need to do something first."

I felt my eyes narrow, "What?"

"Call one of them. Let them know you are okay and that you will be back soon."

I opened my mouth to disagree, but the look on his face brooked no argument, and frankly, he was right. So, sighing a little I pulled my phone out and dialed Clint, sitting on the bed as it rang. He picked up on the second ring.

"Lexi? Are you okay?"

I winced a little at the tone of worry in his voice, "Yeah. I'm better now."

"Are you still with Bucky?"

My eyes slid over to where Bucky was leaning against the dresser, "Yeah, I'm still with Bucky."

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