Chapter 18 - A Friend from The Past

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A/N there are some mentions of some pretty gnarly child abuse in this chapter

I'm not ashamed to say I tried to sneak out of the tower Sunday morning. It was early, the sky still pearly from the breaking of dawn when I woke. When my eyes opened, I saw Clint sleeping on his stomach, head pillowed in his arms.

It felt like it took me five minutes to carefully climb out of the bed. Maybe it was a bit cowardly, but damn it I needed some time to adjust. My life had quite literally been turned on it's head. I just wanted to go home and regroup and take some time to wrap my head around not only the past few days but the fact that I had, in a few short months gone from finally feeling free and safe from my past to meeting not only all four of my soulmates but basically being told that I was part of this large complicated family now.

It was a lot to ask a girl to accept.

Once out of the bed, I tiptoed over to Clint's dresser and rummaged around until I found a pair of sweats that I pulled on. I tied the string tight and left the shirt I had been given to wear on. I actually got a good look at it today and saw that it was white with a purple bullseye on it. I picked up my bag from the top of the dresser, wondering where it came from as I opened it and saw that both my wallet, house keys, my new Starkphone and a pair of wireless earbuds that had the SI logo on them inside.

I quietly left Clint's apartment, wearing the gladiator style sandals I had worn the night before because I had no idea where my sneakers were. I thought I was in the clear because I rode the elevator all the way down to the main floor and exited out of the building without seeing another person.

It was as I was walking down the steps of the building that my luck ran out.

"Hey, Lexi!"

I stifled a groan and a grimace as I turned to face the three men walking up to me. Pasting a smile on my face as they stopped in front of me.

"Hey guys."

Sam, Bucky, and Steve were all standing there in workout clothes. Sam smirked when his eyes traveled over what I was wearing. And the state of my disaster of a bed head. I'm sure I looked like I had been doing things I didn't actually do.

"Where you headed?" Steve asked.

"Home. I feel like I haven't been there in forever. I've got plants to water, ya know."

"It's a little early yet to hail a taxi."

I brushed that away and said, "Nah, I'll just walk."

Steve looked skeptical before he shared a look with the other two, "Do you really think that's a good idea? It's a bit of a trek isn't it?"

I started to protest but then he looked at Sam again and the man said, "Look let me drive you. That way Cap doesn't have to risk pulling out his authoritative voice and getting Bucky all riled up when they still have their run to do."

Bucky shot Sam a dirty look that he ignored completely. I opened my mouth to refuse but switched tactics immediately realizing that saying no would likely literally get me nowhere.

"Alright. I guess."

Sam brightened and I followed him back into the tower and down to the underground garage. He led me over to a dark blue Chevy Impala sedan. He grinned when he saw me eyeing it. Compared to many of the vehicles around it, this car was almost mundane.

"I never needed to drive something flashy when I've got flyboy privileges."

I shook my head as I climbed in and settled in. Sam started the car and drove out of the garage at a normal rate of speed.

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