Chapter 15 - Then there were four

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When I woke up, I found myself alone in Loki's bed. As I sat up in the huge bed, I wondered where Loki had gone. Then a voice startled me. I had already forgotten that the tower came with it's own A.I.

"Ms. Bennet, Ms. Maximoff requests that you join her on the secondary common floor for breakfast."

I glanced up at the ceiling automatically and said, "Um. What? Secondary common floor? Where is that?"

"When you enter the elevators I can take you to the floor, if you plan to go."

I pushed off the bed, finding a folded pile of clothes on the chaise that was located at the end of the bed. Staring at the pile of clothes suspiciously, I found myself asking out loud, "How'd they get my sizes?"

I had once again  forgotten about the A.I. as I asked the question out loud, so when it spoke I jumped again.

"I stored your measurements when you were put into the system as a registered user for the residential floors."

"Okay, that's a little creepy–"

"My apologies. It is just part of my programming."

I eyed the ceiling warily. Then I decided to push it aside for the moment, I already had enough to wrap my head around, I just couldn't take any more in right now. I dressed quickly and then walked out of what I assumed was a front door, walking down a hall to a set of elevators. One of them opened automatically when I stopped in front of them and I stepped inside.

"Do you wish to go to the secondary common floor?"

"Um. Yeah, I guess. Hey, what should I call you?" I asked.

"My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y., you may refer to me as that, Ms. Bennet."

I nodded as the doors slid closed and the elevator started to move. Then I said, "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"

"Yes, Ms. Bennet?"

"Can you please call me Lexi, I hate being called Ms. Bennet."

"Of course, I have updated your preference in my database." came the response.

"Thank you."

The elevator doors had opened and as I walked off, the small brunette woman who had tried to read my mind last night looked up. I could see a light haired man in the kitchen before I was suddenly hugged by the woman. I assumed this was Ms. Maximoff. At the moment I was blanking on what her first name was.

Then there was a crash and we both turned to look at the man. He was staring at me with his mouth open, and the shattered remnants of the coffee cup he had been holding were currently smashed on the floor and he was standing in a small puddle of coffee. He had dark blue eyes and hair that looked silver. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a light blue t-shirt.

As our eyes met, I felt like my world tilted on its axis and I realized that I had found my fourth soulmate. We continued to stand there, staring at each other and I saw as his eyes dilated. Then I blinked and he was gone.

The woman standing next to me clapped her hands, and then she turned and threw her arms around me again, "Oh, this is why I felt such a pull of connection from you last night."

I blinked several times, and then shook my head like a dog trying to flick off an irksome fly. Gently I took a step back from the woman and cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name."

Her eyes were the same color as the man's were, "Wanda. I'm Wanda." She gestured to where the coffee mug was still shattered on the floor, "And he was Pietro. My twin brother."

"I see."

Her eyes glowed red, as did her hands and I watched with fascination as the coffee shards glowed the same color, gathering into a pile and then they reformed into a whole piece and the cup landed with a soft thud on the counter.

I looked at the woman, "Okay, now that was awesome."

Wanda beamed.

The elevator doors opened  and I turned to see Clint and Nat walking in. Clint immediately arrowed in on my face, "What's wrong?"

Wanda answered excitedly, "Lexi found her fourth soulmate!"

The pair glanced at each other and Nat said, "How? Who?"


Nat said, "No way!" at the same time that Clint said, "The kid?"

Wanda rolled her eyes, "We are 25, Clint. Hardly still kids."

"Yay, well, you're still a kid to me seeing as I'm 12 years older than you."

I snickered and when all three of them looked at me I winked at Wanda and said, "You know, I'm 25 right? So, that must mean you are robbing the cradle then."

Nat snorted as Wanda's laugh tinkled out. Clint sputtered in surprise for a moment before he managed to get out, "Well. That's—. No. I am not the cradle robber. That's Loki."

I lifted and eyebrow, "Oh, yeah how so?"

"He's 1,079 years old."

This time it was my turn to sputter, "Wha—Ex-excuse me?"

Nat reached over and patted my arm, "He's Asgardian, they have a significantly longer life span than humans do."

"How significant?"

I jumped when a British voice sounded from behind me and the red and gold colored man drifted through a solid wall, "Thousands of years."

"Vis!" Wanda cried out happily as she rushed over to hug the man, "You'll never guess what happened!"

The elevators both opened then disgorging Tony, Bruce, Sam, Steve, Bucky, and the kid who think had told me his name was Peter. He looked like he was all of 16 years old but apparently he was 19.

"What happened?" Tony wanted to know.

Wanda turned towards the new group and announced, "Pietro!"

Tony just shook his head, "Pietro what little witch?"

"He found his soulmate!"

"Oh? That's good news for Speed Freak. Where is the lucky woman, man, and/or other?"

Nat pointed at me, "She's right there."

Every single pair of eyes turned to me and I immediately wished I could sink through the floor or disappear.

Tony recovered the fastest, "Huh. Interesting. So where is he then?"

The smile on Wanda's face fell a little as she said, "He left. He'll be back eventually. It was a bit of a shock to his system."

"Well, then perhaps another celebration is in order. Or better yet, how about a party. Definitely a party. We can throw it together in a day right?"

F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked, "Should I issue the invites Sir."

I started to protest, "Wait. Wait, I don't want a party!"

Tony ignored me, already issuing directions to the A.I. I started to feel a little panicked when I felt a hand on my arm and looked up to see that it was Nat. She glanced at Wanda and then said loudly, "Tony!"

The man turned to look at her and she continued, "Wanda, Lexi and I are going out for a girls day. Get ready for the party."

"Fine. Fine." He waved his hand and turned back to the tablet he now had in his hand as he continued to issue instructions.

Nat gripped my hand and started tugging me to the elevators, calling over her shoulder, "And you are paying for it Tony!"

"Keep it under 100,000," came the absentminded response just before the doors closed us into the elevator.

"He was joking right?" I asked her.

She grinned at me, "Tony is like one of the richest men in the world. A billionaire's billionaire if you will. 100,000 is like five bucks to a normal person."

I gave faint, "Right." in response.

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