Chapter 31 - Cap's Birthday Party

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I had the Friday before the fourth off. Not because I needed to or anything, but because Pietro wanted to spend the day together on a date and I couldn't find it in me to say no. I was finding out that Pietro was a huge romantic. He planned for us to spend the day in Central Park. I'd been in New York for nearly six months now, and I had yet to really spend any time there. I knew that there was plenty to do and I was interested to see what Pietro wanted us to do.

Since the day was warm and gorgeous, I dressed in a pretty blue tank top and a white pleated skirt that hit several inches above my knee. I figured we would be doing a fair bit of walking, so I paired it with white sneakers. I had just finished braiding my hair when there was a knock at the door.

Happily I went to answer it, finding Pietro standing there and wearing a pair of dark jeans and a light blue t-shirt. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me in for a sweet kiss. I hummed happily when he pulled away and ran his hand down my braid, "I like when you have your hair like this lisichka. You ready?"

I nodded and he picked me up in his arms and within the space of a few blinks we were at the park. Setting me back down on my feet, and keeping his arm around me until I adjusted to the disorientation that I always experienced when he used his super speed while carrying me. Once he knew I had adjusted, he grabbed my hand and we walked into the park.

Late that afternoon, I was stretched out on my stomach on a grassy patch, and enjoying the sun beating down on me. Pietro was laid out next to me, propped up on his elbow so that he could look down at me and trace light patterns where my skin was bare. They were currently tracing along the phoenix tattoo on my back. It was sending pleasant tingles through me.

"How long have you had this?" His tapped lightly against my lower back with the question.

I hummed and turned my head on my arms so I was facing him, "Mhm, I got it about a year ago."

"Why that particular animal?"

I closed my eyes, "Because the phoenix symbolizes transformation, rebirth, and hope. After nearly four years on the run, after Zemo helped me get the justice I needed, I wanted something to show that I was who I am now and not who I was then."

He was quiet again for a time, his fingers continuing to trace patterns on my skin. Then he said, "You know with your pale skin, you should probably not sit so long in the sun. You will burn."

I opened my eyes again to look into his blue ones, "Imma risk it."

He laughed and leaned over to kiss me, his hand flattening against my lower back as he did. I sighed a little when he pulled away and he laid down on his back with his arms tucked under his head. I shifted over so I could rest my chin on his chest and stare at him. He kept his eyes closed but I caught the little twitches his face made as he tried not to smile.

Feeling mischievous, I walked my fingers down his chest and stomach before pushing them back up under the fabric, nails scraping lightly. Now those blue eyes flashed open and he looked at me, "What are you doing?"

I batted my eyelashes at him, "Nothing."

His eyes narrowed and I stilled my fingers, but left my hand under his shirt. When he had closed his eyes again I concentrated for a moment, pushing out tendrils of thought to alter the perceptions of anyone nearby so that we couldn't be seen. Then I started to scrape my fingernails lightly on his stomach again. His muscles twitched and I smiled. Then I let my fingers slide along the edge of the waistband of his pants. When my fingers slid under the very edge his eyes snapped open again and in a blink his hand was gripping my wrist.

"What are you doing?"

In answer I rolled on top of him, straddling his waist. His eyes widened and he sat up, "You can't do that."

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