Chapter 51 - Moving In

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I was standing in the middle of what was my space in the tower apartment. It was full of plants. I had said that I wanted some house plants and apparently Tony just went hog wild with it. The room looked like some kind of indoor garden. He informed me that F.R.I.D.A.Y. had complete control over the water and fertilizing of it and that there would be staff to do more intense routine care on it that took care of all the gardening and landscaping in the tower. That I didn't have to do anything but enjoy it.

There were leafy plants like pothos, snake plants, and Philodendron. There were several types of cacti and succulents that I recognized. I could smell several herbs like rosemary and mint. And there were orchids everywhere. In the middle of the room, was a large bed with a rod iron headboard that seemed to be suspended from the ceiling. When I walked over to it and pushed against it, it rocked like a hammock might.

"Holy shit, it's like a garden in here." Clint's voice came from behind me.

"You know, when I was a kid my favorite book was The Secret Garden . I used to dream about having my own. Eventually, I forgot about that dream. But now–apparently I have it." I turned to Clint then, who was leaning in the doorway.

"It's nice. Very you."

"Is it now?"

He came in, his hands sliding along my hips, "It's full of life. Just like you."

I snorted, even as my heart went gooey, "You are a complete sap. What do you think of your room?"

"It's great, c'mon I'll show you."

He took my hand and pulled me along to his room. On the door was a simple inlaid arrow. Inside, the colors were deep purple, black and silver. The bed was similar to the bed that was in his original apartment; a wide and tall headboard that had strobe lights attached to either side, and what looked like a mechanism that could shake the bed if he needed to be roused in an emergency with his hearing aids out. Along one wall was a workbench, with wood-working and welding tools. There was a dartboard on the opposite wall. It was fairly simple, and very much Clint.

"It's very you."

Clint pulled me in the room completely and shut the door with a snap, backing me up until I was against it and his body was pressing against mine. I kept my palms flat against the door, staring up into his eyes with an innocent smile on my face, "Mr. Barton, is there something you are after here?"

One of his hands came up and twisted a strand of my hair around his fingers before it dropped back and he traced the finger along my collarbone, "Mhm, I would definitely say there is something I am after."

Even though there was a tightening of arousal in my belly I managed to keep my tone level and sounding casual, "And whatever could that be?"

He leaned into me more, his nose brushing along my jaw as his breath ghosted over my skin, "You, wet, naked, and moaning in my bed."

My breath hitched and I felt myself go damp as he pulled back to let his hand trace across my neck as he covered my mouth with his. The kiss turned my legs to jelly and left me breathless as he pulled back and tugged my shirt off as he started to move me over to the bed. When I reached for him, he stopped my hands and instead unbuttoned my pants and started to tug them down my hips.

He shoved me back on the bed, yanking my pants off the rest of the way before he pulled his own shirt off and kicked away his own pants. He stumbled a little, but didn't fall, "Oh, look at that, you managed to keep the clumsy at bay."

Clint grinned and intentionally fell on me, "Whoops."

I laughed as he pulled me up the bed some and looked down at me, "You know I am pretty sure I said I wanted you naked, moaning, and wet. You are naked, but what about the others?"

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