Chapter 56 - Family Understands

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Tony and Bruce stopped in their tracks when they walked off the elevator on the common floor and caught sight of Lexi in the kitchen. She was wearing a floaty dress, the kind neither of them had ever seen on her before as she swayed her hips in time to the music pumping out while she did whatever it was she was doing at the counter. Seemed she was baking.

Tony recovered first, walking closer to where Lexi was before he said, "You call this music?"

"Just because you only listen to mullet rock doesn't mean other music isn't valid." Lexi shot back.

Tony moved closer to get a look at what she was making at the same moment that she turned around to return the flour to the pantry and collided with him. Squeaking in shock and stumbling back a bit, Tony shook his head and looking down at his now flour covered shirt as she gasped out, "Jesus fuck Tony! Why are you right there?"

"Language! Old man ears are present." Sam sang out as he, Steve, and Bucky came out of the elevator just in time to see the collusion.

Steve just shook his head at the fact that he still hadn't lived down the one time he slipped up and said that in the heat of a battle.

Lexi's fists were on her hip as she glared at Tony, "Well?"

Tony started to brush off his clothes as he stared at the young woman, "Well what?"

She threw her hands into the air, "Why are you skulking behind me like some kind of creeper?"

With a whir one of the housekeeping droids came out of the storage closet, activated by F.R.I.D.A.Y. to clean up the mess of flour all over the flour, Lexi and Tony both automatically moved out of the way as Tony said, "First, wasn't skulking. Second, who even says the word skulk? Third, who pissed in your cheerios?"

Lexi made a sound of disgust as she turned away from him and went back over to what she had been working on, "You pissed in my cheerios tin man." She descended into angry mutters as she started to knead the dough she had been making.

The five men currently standing watching her gave each other a look before they looked back at her. Bucky opened his mouth to ask her what was up but before he could get the words out she was telling them to go away and then calling for F.R.I.D.A.Y. to turn up the music again. They looked at each other again and when Tony looked like he was going to push at it, Bucky placed a hand on his shoulder and physically pushed him away from the kitchen area.

"Seriously, who pissed in her–" Tony began.

Sam interrupted, "Geez, Tony, are you really that clueless about the fairer sex?"

"What? Absolutely not. She's just not like that." He waved broadly behind his head towards the kitchen.

"Her four men are all currently out on this mission, Loki, Clint, and Scott having been gone over a week now, and she hasn't been able to even text with any of them because of the nature of the mission."

Wanda, Vision, Pietro, and Thor had left two nights before to meet up with the others and everyone else, except for Peter and Bucky, would be joining them tomorrow.

Tony rolled her eyes, "So, she's cranky cuz she hasn't gotten laid? Can't one of you guys take care of that for her?"

Steve blushed while Sam just shook his head, "Completely hopeless Tony."

The music shut off as Lexi stalked towards the elevator and said, "Stay away from my dough."

As the doors closed and after a minute, Bucky stood up and said, "I'm going to go see if I can talk to her."

Tony snorted, "Probably do her better if you try to get her off."

"Fuck off, Tony." Bucky shot back as he headed to the elevators asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. where Lexi had gone.

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