Chapter 61 - Saying Yes

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My head was pounding. When I let out a soft whimper I immediately felt someone's hands stroking me and a voice asked, "Lisichka? Are you okay?"

I kept my eyes closed, but burrowed further into Pietro's warmth. His mind was fairly screaming concern and I rubbed my cheek against him and murmured, "M'kay. Just a headache. Sobbing your guts out will do that."

Another voice spoke up, "You want to take something for it?"

Scott. "No. It will fade."

I remembered, vaguely, Pietro gathering me up at one point and climbing into the bed in the shared room when Scott had come in to check on me. I was so spent and exhausted by then that I had fallen asleep almost the moment one of them pulled the blankets over me.

Pietro stroked a hand down my hair where my head was buried against him saying, "Lisichka, I'm gonna go get you water. I'll be right back."

I nodded and pulled away from him, starting to push to sit. I felt the breeze and him pressing a glass into my hand before I even had a chance to open my eyes. When I did, I saw that the room was dim, the windows having been blocked from too much light filtering in from the windows.

Pietro was sitting on the bed next to me, and I felt Scott's hand as he rubbed it along my back. Taking a long drink of water I rubbed a hand over my face. I was pretty sure if I looked in a mirror right now, I would look a mess. I pushed at my hair.

"Where are the others?"

Pietro smiled, jerking his chin up as he said, "Loki got up and went to go do something and Clint is currently still passed out."

I looked over my shoulder and over Scott to see Clint flat on his back, arm thrown over his eyes and snoring lightly. I smiled at him fondly before I asked, "What time is it?"

F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered, "It is currently 6 o'clock in the morning."

I finished my water and moved to get up, "I need a shower."

Pietro stayed on the bed as I got up and moved into the bathroom, turning the water as hot as I knew I'd be able to stand it and stripping out of the clothes I had slept in and avoiding looking into the mirror. When I stepped under the spray, I let out groan as the heat from the water immediately set to work relaxing my muscles.

I let my mind wander over the conversation from the night before. Now that the panic and pain the revelation had shoved into me had dimmed, I was able to think about it more clearly. Still not exactly sure how I felt about it, I scrubbed my fingers through my hair. It seemed like I needed to go to Asgard. And going to Asgard meant that I would be expected to do that soul binding thing. Which I hadn't talked about with any of them for a while now.

I knew now it wasn't actually like a marriage, but it still seemed like a big deal. I already was tied to these four, wasn't I? So, why was a hung up on the idea of doing it in the eyes of Asgardian law?

"Sweetheart, if you stay in there any longer you will end up looking like a complete prune or drowning. Or possibly both."

I smiled at Scott's voice and called back, "I'm still not used to the fact that the water here doesn't eventually run cold."

I switched off the shower and opened the door, squeezing the water out of my hair before I stepped out. Scott held out a towel.

His lopsided grin flashed, "Yeah, the showers at the apartment complex weren't the greatest were they?"

Wrapping the towel around me, I moved over to press a kiss to Scott's lips. Then I just leaned against him, his arms coming up to wrap around me as he rested his cheek on my hair.

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