Chapter 16 - Girls' Day

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The elevator took us to an underground garage that had so many different cars it looked like the parking lot of a car dealership. Nat led us over to a sleek black sports car. Wanda climbed happily into the back seat as I sat in the passenger's side and Nat slid in behind the wheel.

The car started up without any turn of a key or push of a button, and F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice came over the speakers, "Do you require navigation Ms. Romanov?"

"No thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y., I know where I'm going."

I started to ask where that was but my voice left me completely as Nat hit the gas pedal and gunned the car out of the garage and out onto the streets. I gripped the chicken stick with a grip of death and prayed that I wouldn't die.

Barely 15 minutes later and we were pulling into a valet lot. I climbed out of the car on shaky legs and seriously considered kissing the ground. Wanda looked at my face and laughed a little as she linked her arm through mine, "You get used to the fact that most of the team drive like the demons of hell are chasing them."

Nat had brought us to Madison Avenue. She took the lead down the sidewalk and I hesitantly asked, "So, what's the plan for today then?"

"Well, if Tony is throwing a party, we are going to need something to wear, including new jewelry. Then we will get something to eat and after it's hitting up the salon for the works."

"Are we even going to have enough time for all that?"

"Pft, of course we are."

"Even without any appointments at a salon." I was skeptical.

Nat paused on the sidewalk and turned to face me, "You are going to learn just how fast the name Tony Stark provides openings."

Nat apparently already had a dress boutique in mind as she made right for it without pausing at any of the other stores we passed as we headed there. Pushing through the doors, a tall whip thin woman with perfectly coiffed hair walked up to us on pencil thin heels. Every person in the place was wearing black. The woman who addressed us was wearing a tight black skirt and black blouse.

"Welcome back, Ms. Rushman, how can we help you today?"

Nat nodded towards me and Wanda, "Jeni, these two need evening gowns for a thing tonight."

Jeni looked us over, "Very well, if you will come with me we will get a dressing room set up.

When she said, 'dressing room' she literally meant it was a whole room. It was decorated in all white. There were two white couches, a circular low white coffee table, white end tables. There was the dreaded triple mirror. Instead of fluorescent lights like most stores I was used to being in, this place had light that was very flattering. Jeni told us to sit and she would be right back.

I perched myself on the edge of one of the couches and looked around as Wanda and Nat sat on the other. In a few minutes Jeni was back, leading two other employees. One was carrying a tray of fancy tea cakes, one was carrying three champagne flutes, and Jeni was carrying a bucket full of ice with a bottle of champagne already open and resting in it.

Nat immediately poured the alcohol into the flutes and handed one to me, one to Wanda and kept the other for herself. Jeni said, "Ms. Bennet, we need to get your measurements so that we can pull dresses for you to try on."

Nat spoke up, "Actually, Jeni, her measurements should already be in the Stark file."

Jeni nodded and said, "Very well, we will be back with some options in a moment."

I looked at the tray of tea cakes and picked one up and took a small bite. Ten minutes later, Jeni and the other two employees were back, and putting a variety of dresses on two racks. She gestured to the one and told me that the dresses there were for me to try on. Nat looked at me expectantly. I sighed a little and stood up. Going over to the rack and looking at what had been brought. They were all beautiful. I picked the first one that looked like it was my kind of style and I moved behind a curtain to strip and put it on.

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