Chapter 36 - A Proposition

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Clint's main choice of vehicle it turns out was one of those Jeeps that you can take the doors off in the summer. I eyed the thing as he brought me to it and said, "You know if we were to get into an accident we'd probably die."

Clint looked at me over the hood, shrugging casually, "Eh. If we die we die. That's part of the thrill of life. And besides, this is way less of a death trap than Bucky and Steve's choices."

He had nodded over to two motorcycles sitting a little ways away. I climbed into the Jeep and buckled in before I said, "Ah, but those are sexy death traps. This one is just silly."


I grinned and stretched my legs out comfortably while Clint drove to the apartment. As he pulled up outside it, he looked at me, "I've got some things to deal with today, but I'll probably have time to swing by the training room to catch some of that."

"Are you going to help with all that?" I asked as I started to get out.

He grinned, "Kitten, I wouldn't miss the chance of getting my hands into that."

I squinted at him and pursed my lips, "That sounded entirely too much like a euphemism."

Clint winked as he started his Jeep back up and pulled out and away. I shook my head, the guy was something else entirely. I trudged up the stairs to our floor and opened the door to Scott's apartment.

I called out, not knowing if Scott was home or not, "Scott?"

"Back here." Came the reply from the bathroom. I headed back, stopping in the doorway. Scott was in his bathtub, which was entirely too small for a man of his size—hell it was too small for someone of my size for that matter. But Scott seemed perfectly happy as he lounged in the tub, full of bubbles of all things and reading a graphic novel.

"You're taking a bath." I said in surprise.

Scott glanced up from his book, lifting an eyebrow, "What amazing observation skills you have."

I snorted, "Oh shut up. I just didn't expect you to be the bath type."

Scott turned a page in his book, "It was a habit I picked up during house arrest. I tried all kinds of things to pass the time."

I sat on the edge of the tub and dipped the tips of my fingers into the water, it was still warm. I let my eyes settle on his chest, watching as it glistened with water. Scott put his book into a rack that I had always wondered its purpose and then flicked water at me to get my attention.

"Hey, my eyes are up here you know?" His lopsided grin flashed when my eyes met his.

"They are nice eyes but there are other things I'd like to look at right now." I bit my lip and let my fingers dip back into the water and slid along his leg.

His eyes lit up but he kept his tone casual, "Oh? Is there now?"

I leaned over the tub, bracing against the back edge so that I could kiss him, still letting my hand creep up his leg until I could brush against his already half hard cock. I wrapped my hand around him and slowly stroked him as I kissed him. One of his hands has wrapped around the wrist bracing against the back edge of the tub while his other cupped my face.

Suddenly, he stood, water cascading off him as he stepped out of the tub and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my fingers play with the damp strands at the nape of his neck. My clothes were immediately dampened as they absorbed the water from him. Scott moved me over to the counter, boosting me up before settling himself between my knees as he kissed me again.

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